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On Tuesday, Evie and Doug joined me and Ben at the castle, where we were waiting for Harry, Audrey, Uma, and Arabella, Ariel's niece. Uma had asked if her and Arabella could come to visit with Harry and Audrey, and we agreed that it would be nice to see them, too. Uma and Arabella arrived first, and I noticed that they were holding hands. "Hey Mal. Long time, no see," Uma said, bowing slightly, as did Arabella. "Yeah. I have to admit, I'm a little surprised that you and Arabella are friends, since your mom was her aunt's enemy," I said. "I was a little surprised, myself. I was even more surprised when she asked me to be her girlfriend," Uma said. "Oh, that's really sweet!" I said, just as Harry and Audrey walked in, also holding hands. "Harry! Audrey! I'm so happy to see you again!" Evie said energetically. "Hey everybody. It's a nice day out, isn't it?" Harry asked. "Yeah. It's just the right temperature. How have you been?" I asked. "Well, other than having to deal with morning sickness the last few weeks, I've been alright," Audrey said with her free hand resting on her stomach. "I've been great," Harry said. Audrey giggled and looked at him. "You should've seen his face when I told him. He looked like a kid in a candy store that was just told he could have all the candy he wanted," she said, and we all laughed.

We all sat down in Ben's office to catch up with each other, and Uma started the conversation after a few minutes. "So, I found out that I'm bisexual..." she said. "That's cool. I always kind of wondered, back before I called you Shrimpy," I said. "Yeah, I did sorta have a crush on you back then," she replied. "So, how did you and Arabella meet?" Evie asked. "Well, I had gone out for a swim - as you do - and I nearly crashed into her. I wasn't expecting her to be there, and I don't think that she expected me to be there, either," Uma said. "Yeah. I remember coming out from a small reef that I've always been fond of, seeing Uma coming towards me, and panicking. At first, I honestly thought that it was Ursula, but then I realized that it wasn't," Arabella chimed in. "Haha, I forgot that you panicked when you saw me coming," Uma chuckled. "I wouldn't change a thing about it, though. It brought us to where we are now," Arabella said, looking at Uma affectionately. "Ugh, get a room, you two," Audrey said, sounding bored, which made everyone laugh. "So, how long have you been together?" I asked Uma and Arabella. "Almost six months, I think," Arabella said. "That sounds about right," Uma said. "Has anyone talked to Jane recently? I know that what happened to Carlos hit her pretty hard," Arabella asked curiously. "I just talked to her last week, actually. She's doing much better now than she was in the first few months after Carlos died. She refused to talk to anybody for almost three months after it happened," I said in reply. "I'm glad to hear that she's doing better," Arabella said.

"Well, I've had a lot happen to me since we last got together as a group, but then again, that's pretty obvious," Harry said. "Yeah, you think?" Audrey asked him. "Yep," he replied. "Honestly, I thought that Mal and Ben would be the first ones to have kids," Evie said. "I thought you and Doug would be the first ones to have kids," I told her. "Honestly, I was surprised when I found out I was having a baby. It really blindsided me and Harry," Audrey said. "I can imagine. You're glowing, by the way," I said. "You're the first person to mention that. I've heard of women having a sort of glow when they're pregnant," she said. "To me, you always have a glow, love," Harry said. "Aww, thanks darling," she replied, kissing him briefly. "No problem. It's part of my job as your husband," Harry said, and we all laughed. "What do you guys hope it'll be?" I asked them. "I hope it's a boy," Audrey said. "I don't really have a preference," Harry said. "Cool. If you need any help, we'd all be happy to help you out," Ben said. "Thanks for the offer, Ben. We'll definitely take it into consideration for later," Audrey said. For a brief moment, I thought about bringing up that Ben and I had started trying to have a kid a few months ago, but I decided against it for the time being.

After the others left, I had planned on just chilling out with Ben, but my stomach had other plans, and I grabbed the nearest trash can and threw up. "You sure you're okay, sweetheart?" Ben asked. "I feel fine, Ben. I've just been periodically nauseous lately," I replied. "That's not normal for you, though. You've rarely gotten nauseous in all the time I've known you," he said. "Ben, seriously. You're worrying about me more than I'm worrying about me," I said, which made him chuckle. "Still, don't you think it could be possible that... you know...?" He asked me. I knew what he was suggesting, and I had started to think that maybe that was why I had been periodically nauseous lately. "It's crossed my mind, yes," I said. "Maybe you should get checked out or something, to find out what it is for sure," he said. "You're right. I've been putting it off, but it can't hurt to get checked out. That way we know for sure," I said. "Hello," my doctor, Gianna, said from out of nowhere, making me jump. "Don't scare me like that, Gianna!" I said. "Sorry Mal," she quickly said. "Don't worry about it. I'm guessing you heard the whole conversation?" I asked, and she nodded. "I can check you out right now if you're free," she said. "That would be much appreciated," I said, and she ran several tests on me, then told us that she would be back in about an hour or so with the test results. I thanked her, and she left. I sat up and turned to Ben.

"I'm kinda nervous, but also excited," I told him. "Yeah. Today could be one of the best days of our lives," he replied. "I just realized something. If it turns out that I am pregnant, I might be able to talk to Audrey about some of the stuff that happens throughout," I said. "Yeah, you're right. Still, we don't know for sure yet," Ben said. We sat in relative silence until Gianna returned with the test results, and she sat down in a nearby chair. "So, what do the test results say?" I asked. "Well, you're in perfect health, and you don't have any underlying health problems from your parents," she said, and I looked at Ben, a smile beginning to form on my lips as I put the pieces together. "So, as it turns out, the pregnancy test came back positive, so congratulations," Gianna said, and I pulled Ben into a tight squeeze. "I'm so happy, babe," I told him. "Me too, sweetheart. This is wonderful news," he replied. "How far along am I?" I asked. "About eight weeks," Gianna replied. "Thank you," I said, and she left. I grinned at Ben, who grinned right back.


Until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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