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The new routine was incredible, there were so many intricate moves and different styles. It felt like a projection of everyone included in The Next Step. The dance had so many tricks flips and Ava's solo was incredible.

"All right, everybody!" Emily applauded as the dance came to a close, with the studio's signature line of poses. "That was pretty good! I love the energy! You know what? Let's go home early tonight, okay?" Ever since the announcement that Emily and Michelle were so called 'co-captains', it was certainly different and a big change but it was definitely better. The two blondes balanced each other out.

"I can't believe Emily's letting us go early," Ava's jaw hung open for a few seconds in disbelief. "That's definitely something I thought I'd never see. I'm not complaining though!"

A-troupe all cheered and tiredly dropped their heads back out of exhaustion. Just as the eleven teens were about to leave, Kate and Chris stood in the doorway. "Hey, hey, hey!" the woman held her hands up. "Where do you guys think you're going?"

"Home," Eldon deadpanned.

"Well, yeah, they did really amazing and the energy was great," Emily said, sticking up for her teammates. "So, we decided to maybe..."

"Oh! They did amazing and the energy was great," Kate mocked, she and Chris making pouts at the teens. "Yeah, no, we're not done here."

"I'm not staying longer."

"Joking!" Chris laughed, after many disapproving looks from A-troupe, a cheeky grin on his face. "We just kind of want to have a fun night."

"Yeah. We're going to hang out as friends, not just teammates."

"Thinking about it, we've never actually all hung out together just to have fun. I'm super excited for the hang out party," Emily smiled.

~ ~ ~

A-troupe gathered later that night in Studio A. Snacks had already been set out and Kate was just adding the finishing touches. "Hey, everybody!" West beamed, clad in pyjamas and a long, grey dressing gown. "Let's have some fun."

"Are you in your pyjamas?" Ava asked, with a raised eyebrow, failing to stifle her laughter along with the rest of the group.

The hiphop dancer looked himself up and down, showing off his outfit. "Well, if you may know, yes, they are my pyjamas, and Kate told us to get comfortable, so..."

"Not that comfortable!" Emily exclaimed.

"Please, girl, I work this," West swished the fabric around himself with a proud smirk and many laughs from around him.

"You work that," Ava smiled at the boy's antics.

"I always keep an extra pair of pyjamas in my duffel bag. You never know when a surprise pyjama party's going to break out."

"Hey, are you guys ready to have some fun?" Kate asked, A-troupe all cheering along with the studio head. "Okay, let's play machine."

"I have no clue what machine is," Ava shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.

"Machine is basically just, like, an improve game. You get to make sounds and you get to move and be parts in the machine."

"We're making a koala pyjama pant making machine," the blonde woman conjured the most bizarre invention out of her imagination. Michelle ran forward first, making a squeaking noise and a funny move with her leg. Emily followed with more machine noises and soon there was a fully functioning pyjama pant making machine in Studio A.

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