Nat and Steve pt3

Start from the beginning

Her vision was quite blurry now and she was beginning to see her hands hit the bathroom floor. Nat didn't do anything about it though she let herself fall and crumple into a heap. Some would say it was the beginning of a mental breakdown and others would say it was the end of a long denial.

Maybe the emotion was good? Maybe it allowed her to release everything that had gathered in her mind, but Natasha didn't see it that way. She saw the weak and fearful 6 year old girl looking directly back at her in the mirror, the same girl that had tackled 4 armed body guards because they laid a finger on her sister, the same girl that escaped the red room. She would never be weak, or frightened, but if only she knew that...

3 days later 

The night rolled along, over the course of the evening the avengers came and went throughout the living room. The only person to stay seated the whole night was Stark. His mind was busy, but his body stayed placed. Natasha didn't show, and everybody partially acknowledged it but nobody questioned.

'Look Brucey boy, i'm not saying-'

'Thor let me stop you there. In no way shape or form am i ever, and i mean ever going to 'perform Gamma ray surgery' on you. Which is absolutely not the right word for it.'

'But i would be SO powerful, i could realistically rule all of the Earth and probably a couple other planets things and things along the way.'

'The scariest part is that you can't name another planet besides Earth.' Clint walked in the room and handed Tony a beer.

'Gods don't do geography.'

'Clearly.' Sam and Bucky chorused in tune and then began to get audibly excited that they did.The only person who didn't join in the bullying was Steve, he was sat across from Tony biting his thumb nail.

'Oh my god, capsicle if you're gonna sit there feeling sorry for yourself you might as well leave.' Tony rambled.

'Ye cmon Steve, have some fun.' Bucky poked him.

Steve didn't reply he just slightly nodded his head but stayed looking down.

'Crestfallen human.' Thor sat beside him looking as if he was going to give advice. 'Do be kind and grab me another beer.'

The God placed a cup into the super soldiers hand and gestured him away. Steve didn't resist he got up and trailed towards the kitchen.

Leaving Bucky, Sam, Tony, Thor and Clint in the common room.

Cap walked slowly into the kitchen feeling sorry for himself. As he looked up he made eye contact with Wanda. But quickly stepped backwards out of shock.

'Hey Steve.' Wanda started. 'Are you ok?'

'Uh, i've been better.' Steve mumbled. 'Nat hasn't spoken to me for 3 days.'

Wanda sniffed. 'She hasn't spoken to anyone for 3 days Steve.'

'All because of something Tony made up?'

'y-y-you' Wanda stuttered. 'You still thinks that's why she's upset?'

'Well yeah.' Steve stood confused. 'Nothing else has happened?'

'Oh my god Steve you really are so blind.'


'Dreykovs daughter? The red room?'

'Why would that suddenly mess her up now though and not years ago.'

'Steve sit down.' Wandas face fell serious

Steve hesitated and looked blankly at Wanda.

'There's something you should know.'

cliffhanger yay!

the next part may take a while to come out (like 3-4 days but saying that it might also come out sooner) I need to actually start writing it (ive planned) so yeah! 

**It won't be MCU or Comic cannon but won't unrealistic like ironstrange shit** 

NO hate to ironstrange (even though i think it's the dumbest ship :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)

and the science bros belong together (it won't be canon in this fic tho because Tonys w Pepper)

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