MoM theorys and a bit of me waffling x

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POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR MOM (nothing that big and most of it is very unconfirmed)

Keep reading to see my Black Widow trilogy thoughts 

Ok so Tiktok has like convinced me Nat is coming back so if she doesn't at least get a cameo i WILL cry x 

I've also put some clues together and done some digging because i definintely couldn't have done something better with my day!!!!!!!!

alr theorys nat is coming back let me run it through you, 

so @marvel_ukon instagram posted about Scarlett 1 week and bit ago, something they haven't done for MONTHS and it was a very very random post. Maybe they are introducing her back (also it didn't look like it was setting up for a new character it was very black widow orientated). Also i know they do this for other characters but they only do it when they've featured recently like Tom hiddleston (loki)  which was posted in february OR they do it when a character is in an upcoming film for example Elizabeth Olsen for MoM which was posted in March, so if it stays true to it's trend then it kind of indicates Scarlett might be in a new project???

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Also i kind of had a theory about how Nat might still be alive (i'll break it into stages because i know i will just end up waffling) 

- When Hulk snapped everyone back he says that he quote on quote 'tried to bring her (nat) back' but it supposedly didn't work,  personally i think Bruces snap did actually work (i mean why would it not, he had all the stones and everything he had complete control) 

- So if Bruces snap had actually worked, surely Nat would be home and well right? WRONG, when she died she was in a completely different timeline as they had travelled back and it would've created a sort of nexus event/ a different branch in the timeline. This means if Bruces snap actually worked, we would have no idea as she is in a different universe (probably trapped on vormir). 

- So i believe she is alive but is simply trapped in an alternate timeline, this links to vaguely to What if? as the watcher tells us that another universe has 'lost their widow'. 

- This is where Multiverse of Madness comes in, the film is supposed to feature lots of varients of different characters but if Nat has taken the place of the 'lost widow' then surely in some messed up way she is now a varient of her dead self that can be brought back through the portals and fycked upness of the multiverse. 

- Thank you for listening to my ted talk on Nat xxx

if she doesnt come back im going to look really really stupid !!!!!!!

Anyways onto my black widow trilogy

So if she does come back they better make a trilogy of her and these are the names xx

SO i think 'black widow 2' could be called Black Widow - back to black, so the film could be about Nat gathering all the team up again but i think it's unlikely that we will see all the avengers on screen again and the money spent on getting RDJ back would be hugeee,  so it could be a bit like the Winter soldier film with Nat, Steve and Sam. 

- The film would show us Nomad Steve 

- Sam and Steve on the run. 

- But i wouldn't want the attention of Nat as it's her film so i think it could be Nat healing her friendships and yeah xx

Also the name back to black links a bit to the red room as she was classed as just a widow as a collective in the red room so back to black is her claiming her black widow identity again. 

ALSO we would get evansson content again which is very very needed (i dont ship them btw but i literally would donate my kidney (but that would kill me bc i only have one but not the point) to see them in a marvel film together again. 

and to look on the brightside we have 100% confirmed project artemis to look forward  to as imlike 176175316% sure non of the waffle above will ever happen but we can dream,

ANYWAYYY onto black widow 3

it would be called Black widow - returning to red 

- this would be set as teenage/ young adult Nat and its her actually escaping the red room, budapest and meeting Clint,, it would be such a good film seeing as the actual black widow only really touched the surface and i feel like they were hinting more for us xxx

So yeah thats my waffle over 

warning - PLS PLS PLS do not take any of this seriously, this has absolutely no evidence or proof behind it, it's just kind of my plead to Marvel and to make me feel better about Nats death. 

- Do not use this as evidence about a bw trilogy, i promise you most of this apart from the nat cameo in MoM came from my tiny little brain xxxxx

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