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Nat strolled into the kitchen only to be greeted by the two faces she was avoiding.

'Did you do it yet little miss red?'

'Tell us everything.'

Bucky and Sam eagerly circled her.

'Knock it off boys.' Nat smirked. 'No i didn't and i'm not planning to because i do not like Steve.'

'Yeah right.' Sam said rolling his eyes at bucky.

'If it helps, he's totally into you.' Bucky giggled.

Nat blushed a violent crimson. How could this 106 year old man make her so crazy, god she hated him.Truth was nat was not crazy or going mildly insane she had just never produced a feeling other than a small bit of tolerance for anyone before. And somehow this elderly gent was sending her spinning.

'If it's the age gap thing don't stress, my first love was like 45.' Sam muttered. 'And she looked it.'

Bucky gasped, threw up a little bit in his mouth and then cringed.

'Oh shut up fossil.'

'I hate you guys' Nat called as she left the kitchen and darted round the corner leaving the two men to hiss at eachother in the distance.

She was headed for one place and one place only. Wandas room.

Nat burst open the door to find vision trying to learn the mechanism to 'connect 4', she gave a slightly concerned but sympathetic look towards the technological advancement of a robot who had his knees up to his chins and was watching the love of his life play around with plastic circles.

'Uh hey' Nat darted Wanda an urgent look.

Wanda grumbled a bit as she enjoyed her and visions game sessions but quickly got the memo.

'Hey vis, could you give us a minute.' Wanda smiled.

'Of course. Good afternoon Miss Romanoff.' Vision floated past her.

'Vision what did we say, we're on a first name basis.' Nat laughed.

'Ah.' Vision paused. 'Yes, well goodbye Miss Natasha Romanoff.'

Nat smirked. 'He's never gonna learn.'

'He's a highly intelligent, multi functional, vibraniam lined, structure but no, he will never ever learn human etiquette.'

'That's not true.' Nat interrupted. 'He's very 'human etiquetted' with you.' She mocked.

Wanda beamed for a couple seconds then remembered Nat had come looking for her.

'So what's wrong doll?' Wanda gestured for Nat to sit on her fluffed up bed.

'Where do i start.'

Wanda groaned. ' Let me give you one word, Steve.'

'It's not like it's all i can think about it's just steve and he's there and suddenly i'm like wow it's steve but when i talk to him i'm just mean and a bitch so i can never ever actually like him if i'm not nice to him but he's so sweet and is always to protective of me and he's just himself and wow oh my god i like steve. No but i dont, i cant , i wont he's steve. he's like a brother. That's weird, we're a family legally married by tony and pepper. I could never. But he's so everything and sam and bucky would never drop it god they're so annoying but they're right. Fuck them they're so so right.'

'right.' Wanda smirked knowing Sam and Bucky were going to freak when they heard this.

Nat realising what she had just done became incredibly defensive. 'I didn't mean it like that, i hate you.'

'Hate me as much as steve.' She winked. 'I think you should go for it Nat. See where it takes you, you're both adults and have some level of maturity between you, have fun with it.'

Nat didn't reply, she was already to interested in Wandas cat, Magda (named after the twins late mother.) Nat found comfort in Magda and could often be found following after her around the compound, or sneaking her treats when Wanda had said no. Obviously Wanda knew about this but chose to ignore it as it made Nat happy, and Nat often struggled to be somewhat happy.

After a few minutes of sitting and shuffling around to follow the cat, Wanda got up to leave for Vision.

'See you lovebird.' Wanda called back.

'Wait Wanda, did Carol say anything about when she would next we around.'

'Next weekend, she's coming for a few days.'

'It's been forever.'

'Nat forever isn't 2 weeks.' Wanda judged. 'Also tonight Tony's bringing the family around, foods on him 'apparently'. Peters coming with that knew girlfriend of his, Tony's ever so excited.'

'Kids growing up in the world.'

***first part!! hope you enjoy, parts might be slow ish as i've got so much revision for school**

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