A Dark Crusader

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At night in Gotham city. The Thunder cloud poored down with heavy rain. Down on the streets people were crowded. Walking about trying to get by, others were waiting in pools of shadow, muggers, thugs criminals all other but there is only one shadow that strikes fear in the Gotham Underworld. Police cars patrolled around town for any crimes but that was not th fear or biggest thing and there was a hero a vigilante who protects the city. Atop of one Skyscraper a silhouette figure bailed by the shadow, crouches its cape swearling in the wind its black boots and gloved gauntleted fists a re even what some see on him. The cowl with pointy ears, eyes and chest emblem resemble the figure in the form of a huge bat. This was none other than Gotham City's protector the Batman. Or more correctly a shadow shrouded creature of the night of urban Myths, A caped and cowled Balck and grey masterpiece of myth and urban camofaluge.  A crow flys past Batman glides down towards a dark Alley. Where a woman is walking. The woman runs into a corner and suddenly she hears a scuffling behind her.

Woman: What do you want?

Mugger:Get the purse.

Woman: not the purse.

The muggers we're about to pull out the gun when suddenly. SWOOSH. The Batman Dropped in front of them out of no where.

Batman: Good evening.

Mugger: Oh Shit! ITS THE BAT.

Mugger2: I got my nine. Let's see.

Suddenly a A batarang knocks the weapon out of his hands.

The leader lunges towards him. The Batman Launched a knee too the stomach. He went whimpering back.

The second one charged swinging a length of bicycle chain around his chest but The Batman moved under the chain as smoothly as water under a bridge. He came out that with an explosive kick the sent him into the alley wall. The force was enough to send a small cloud of brick dust.

The final one charged at him  with a knife. Batman just dodged the swing and punched him to the ground knocking. Him unconscious. After that it only took a quick call on the Batman's transmitter to send a pair of squad cars to the alley. The Batman vanished into the night. Leaving a stunned woman to explain what happened.

As Batman lept over another building he saw something a mysterious figure with wings  leap off.

Batman: Huh?

He gave chase. When he got to the building the figure was gone. Something was not right and The Dark Knight new it.

Batman: A strange high school (A Batman and High School DXD Crossover)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum