99 problems and a bitch is one

Start from the beginning

Lafyia's POV
After I said that to Tony I sensed 13 mutants aboard the ship. I saw a bald man in a wheelchair, Logan, Storm, a blonde boy with a disk on his shirt, a girl with brown hair with white strips in it, a black man, a tall muscular man, a short brown haired girl, a guy with weird glasses, a woman with red hair, a boy with curly red hair, a blue hairy man, and a man with blonde hair, slits in the back of his jacket, and a boy with blue eyes and brown hair. I sensed one of them was a class 5! One of the strongest mutants!

Darwin's POV
We landed on this huge air ship thing. I looked to Alex and said "I know you. don't fight anyone cause with your powers you could wreck this entire thing."
"Yes mom!" He said in a kid like voice. I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. Professor led the way and we went inside the ship thing. We then entered a room where the "avengers" and Lafyia were. Before we entered Professor said "She is extremely scared and probably will only let Logan or Storm talk to her at first. So I want you two to go in first and loosen her up, then I will come in and talk to her."
We all nodded. When we walked in there was a total of 6 people. A girl with short red hair, a shorter muscular man, a tall man with weird clothes, a tall man with 80s clothes, a nerdy looking middle aged man, and a cocky looking man with a blue light shining through his shirt at his chest. "Now Logan and Alex you two get easily angered so don't be rude and get mad." the Professor whispered so the people couldn't hear.
Both Logan and Alex nodded. "Um, I'm sorry, but when the hell are you?" the cocky man said with a smirk.

Logan's POV
I already did not like that man! Storm and Kitty saw me tense so they both tried to comfort me. "I'm sorry he can be very rude." a nerdy man said I like him, "but anyway we are the avengers and you must be the Xmen. Would we like to do introductions?"
He seemed extremely nice, but I sensed he had two sides to him. "Thank you Dr. Banner and we would love to do introductions. Would you mind going first and possibly saying your abblities?"
"Oh yes of course, I can load up videos of us while we introduce ourselves. I'm Dr Bruce Banner otherwise known as the Hulk. Um I shift into a raging green monster when I'm angry. Uh rawr." he chuckled trying to lighten the mood. his footage was amazing he really had two people in him. Next a man with long hair said "I'm Thor I'm from Asgard. I am the God of Thunder and brother of Loki. He may be bad, but I am not. My hammer has my powers in it. And we can have fun with it watching you guys try to lift it up." The avengers laughed at that but we all were confused besides the Professor because he probably saw through telepathy.
"That's really funny. But I'm Steve Rodgers I'm like 84 years old but look 21. I was given a serum that made me have strength and speed and I throw a sheild. I'm known as Captain America." the other blonde man said.
The shorter man said "I'm Clint Barton or Hawkeye. I work for SHEILD and I am the best archer in the world."
The red hair woman said " I'm Natasha Romanoff or BlackWidow. I work for SHEILD too but I'm the top ranked agent in all of SHEILD history." The cocky man just stood there unamused and said nothing. "Sir Tony introduce yourself or I will hit you with Mjölnir!" Thor said very impatiently. I chuckled cause I like Thor then finally the man said "I'm Tony Stark or Ironman. I am very rich and don't play well with others. I fly around in my suit and I can shoot lasers and stuff from my suit."
"Thank you avengers. I'm Charles Xaiver or Professor X. I can read minds and send messages through my brain."
I said in my gruff voice "I'm Logan or Wolverine. I too am like Steve but I am 210 years old. I can heal ,which two of you have witnessed, my bones are laced with metal and I have these." I pushed out my claws and a few of them gasped so I brought them back in. Next Storm said "I'm Storm. I can control the weather."
Alex, with confidence, said "I'm Alex Summers or Havoc. I can shoot cosmic energy rays out of my body."
Rogue said "Hi I'm Anna but call me Rogue. I can absorb memories, skills, and powers through touch."
Darwin said "I'm Darwin codename Darwin. It's easy to show my power in example cause you won't believe me if I just tell you. so do any of you have weapons on you?" Natasha pulled out her gun. "Okay I want you to shoot me."
"What?!?" She said.
"Just do it." he said.
She shot and his body turned into titanium and the bullet hit him and dropped to the ground. "I'm confused so what is your mutation?" Dr Banner said intrigued.
"I can adapt to my surrounding."
"I'm Peter or Calosso. I can change my entire body into metal." peter said in his really low voice.

Stevens POV
Next the short girl said "Hi I'm Kitty or Spirit. I can go through any surface and I can send people back in time."
Then the guy with the weird glasses said " I guess it's my turn. I'm Scott or Cyclops. I can shot cosmic rays out of my eyes that's why I have the glasses." oh I get it.
The red haired woman said " I'm Jean or Phoenix. I have mind control powers like Professor but I'm a class 5 mutant not 4." shes powerful then I think.
"Whatup. I'm Sean or Banshee."
"Wait what's your power?" I asked.
"Oh yeah hehe I can make a earsplitting noise that disables enemies and I can fly using the sound waves."
The blue guy said " I'm Dr. McCoy, but call me Hank or my codename Beast. I'm extremely strong, agile, quick, smart, and I have heightened senses."
The tall handsome blonde said "I'm Warren codename Angel or Archangel. because I have these." he said expanding whit feathered wings then he did something and his wings turned into a black metal. the shy guy spoke in a gentle voice and said " I'm Bobby or Iceman. My code man explains my powers."
Just then Lafyia appeared in the meeting room and she said " I'm Lafyia Mooncrest and I have telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, energy possession, electric touch, and I'm a tracker. Well that's all I know of now."
Well I hope you liked this chapter. please tell me if I got anything wrong. Energy possession is like Alex or Scott expect she has all sorts of energy not just cosmic rays.
And keep reading.

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