Preferences: Nicknames (They give you)

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He's protective of you, so that goes to show you how much you mean to him, but so do the nicknames he gives you.

"Dove." - He believes you're so much more pure than him, so he calls you dove when you seem upset.

"Honey." - Like any person who uses this nickname he thinks of you as sweet, in comparison to his broad bitterness.

"Darling." - He uses generic nicknames often to get your attention, other than that it's Arabic nicknames and whispered unique words.

"Sweetheart." -He only ever uses this to calm you, or let you know that he's tired and can't keep up with the energy of a moment.

"Baby." - He cares very deeply for you, so he may baby you. But he knows when you need space.

Steven: He's confused a lot, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you, he does! He expresses it by nicknames is all.

"Darling." - Steven is British, so the nickname somewhat derives from that. He uses this name to call to you if he's in trouble or confused. Or he's looking for you and can't find you.

"Love." - This name often slips off his tongue often, once again, it's his Britishness coming through.

"My beloved." - If he hasn't seen you all day or maybe he hasn't fronted in a while, he uses this before picking you up and hugging you.

"Pumpkin." - Steven usually uses corny gestures and sayings. So why not use a corny nickname for his favourite person.

Jake Lockley

"Baby." - Like Marc, Jake cares deeply about you. So he babies you, on a greater level of course.

"Sugar." - He's bittersweet and dangerous, so it's no wonder he calls you sugar, he thinks you're sweet compared to him.

"Biter." - Jake has seen you fight. Needless to say he gave you the nickname after seeing you bite into a man's arm when he placed you in a headlock.

"Devil Darling." - This nickname stems from his love of your passion, he thinks you're darling, but almost like the devil with it comes to passion.

Khonshu: The bird god doesn't exactly know love, so he often calls you names out of random moments and from your appearance.

"Beauty." - He's said before how much he likes your appearance, so he uses the nickname to remind you that he hasn't stopped loving it.

"Daneg." - He likes to use this word to make fun of you in a loving way. Deneg simply means little human in Egyptian.

"Nefer." - Meaning pleasant or good, Khonshu reminds you with this nickname of how much you mean to him and how he enjoys your presence.


My apologies if I got the Egyptian wrong, I don't speak the language so please feel free to correct me.
Requests are open for any characters.

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