He stopped as the smell of blood hit his nose, Shiro shook his head and rushed forward through the bushes. His eyes widened at the sight before him.

Ichigo wriggled around and growled loudly, his neck and wrists chained to a large tree. No matter how hard he struggled he couldn't get out of the chains. Shiro's mind flashed back to when Aizen had stolen Ichigo's dignity, he had thrashed just like that with just as much force. And just like now, it had no effect.

Just as Shiro took a step closer, a man stepped out of the trees swinging a dagger by its chain. Shiro narrowed his eyes and growled loudly, "Zero..."

Zero smirked, "Hiya Shiro. Long time no see."

"I'm glad it's been that way." Shiro spat.

Zero held a hand over his chest and feigned hurt, "That hurt me Shiro, no wonder you got your title."

Shiro slightly tilted his head in confusion and Zero grinned brightly. Reaching out with one hand, and gripped Ichigo's chin. He instantly stopped moving and quieted down. For the first time, Shiro got a good look at his face, his eyes had been completely swallowed up by the black of the frenzy.

It would take a lot to get him back, but Shiro could do it, "Zero, get away from him and you can leave peacefully, well, maybe with a few bruises."

Zero continued to grin, "Ya see Shiro, as long as I'm touching him, he won't freak out, but if I let go...." Zero let go of Ichigo's chin, and Ichigo started up his fuss again.

He started to thrash around, growling and hissing at everything. Shiro knew that he was stuck now.

Zero watched as Shiro took a step back and he smiled, gripping Ichigo's chin again, he explained calmly, "As you and I both know, there is no way in hell Ichigo would take a human being's life, so he drinks from you and animals. Even with your blood and the animal's, Ichigo's vamperic instincts grow every minute he goes without human blood. So today, I watched you two, and as he instincts spiked, I let out the smell of a certain type of pheromones that only half breeds can smell."

Shiro growled at him but Zero continued, "He's a half breed because he hasn't drank human blood, so his vampire and human blood battle for dominance everyday. This is because the vampire blood wants to take over and consume him, while his human blood wants to keep its own place. A born vampire would know nothing of this."

"Ya, I know that. Get to the point Zero." Shiro spat out.

Zero grinned, "The pheromones Ichigo smelled came from my body, so it led him here, so when I touch him, he feels calm and fulfilled. Sadly, there is only a few ways to cure this predicament..."

"Then cure it!" Shiro yelled but Zero waved his other hand.

"One, I need to give him human blood. Two, I could give him the eldest Shiki's blood," Shiro stiffened at the word, but Zero continued, "Or, you do as I say and I'll do something special for Ichi here. Which one do you chose?"

Shiro didn't like any of the options, but the first two didn't sound at all good. Taking one last look at Ichigo, Shiro spoke, "I'll do what you want, just cure him."

Zero nodded, "Good choice," he then snapped his fingers, and Ichigo's head fell. Shiro started to rush forward, but Zero appeared before him and shoved a needle into his neck.

Shiro's blood started to burn and he could smell Zero's blood; Zero had injected him with his own blood.

"W-why?..." Shiro felt dizzy and was about to fall to the ground.

Zero grinned wide, "You'll see soon; Shiki." With that, Shiro's world went dark.

Hours later, Shiro woke up to a worried Beth and Kaitey. He groaned loudly and sat up, as his mind started to clear, he remembered Ichigo and tried to get up. Kaitey held him down and moved so he could see around her.

Lust for Love or for Blood (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now