"So I have." Evelynn leans slightly on the table. "It's not easy to control a horny crowd."

"So you can't do anything?"

"I'm afraid not."

(Y,N) sighs as his only hope of an easy way out were gone. Not like it mattered as this was what he was used to. He didn't expect much at the beginning.

"Perhaps, there is another way I can help you with?" Evelynn asked as she hid her eyes under her shades.

"No, it's fine. I can handle it."

"I'm sure there's something I can do to...relief you."

Evelynn leans on the table more as (Y,N) could feel her breath hitting his face. He backs up but one of Evelynn's tail blades pokes his back, making him flinch from the sharp end. Evelynn even getting closer to where their noses are an inch away from each other.

"Evelynn I know you're not going to do that. What are you up to?" (Y,N) asked

"Come on~ There's no rush to it, play with me for a bit."

"I'm not the type who goes with grabbing others' asses."

Evelynn made no response, only smirking and putting her mouth right next to (Y,N)'s ear. "You are the only person to have gotten this close with us KDA. I'm sure you know how trust works right?"

"I'm pretty sure I know how it works."

"Then you know that I don't trust you completely."

"I know."

"So then just know that..." Evelynn's other tail blade pokes (Y,N)'s side seemingly stabbing a little hole to that of a needle. "If I find you ever so slightly annoying, I won't hesitate to cut you down." Evelyn said as her gold eyes lit up with an aura of a predator, still having her mouth next to (Y,N)'s ear.

(Y,N) made no response as he only stood there not bugging. Even with the stabbing blade on his side. Evelynn wanting to get some reaction, grabs (Y,N) hips closer. But doing so she was rewarded with a blade to her neck.

"You know that I can sue you for assault?" (Y,N) said having a calm demeanor, holding a kitchen knife up on Evelynn's throat.

Evelyn could only grin at him, seemingly excited by his reaction. She knew that he wasn't one to mess around, and she liked that. "Like that's going to stop me~ I don't care what gets in my way, I always get what I want."

"Then I'll have you know that I'm not so easy to get."

"You're a feisty one, I like that~"

Evelynn lets go of (Y,N)'s hips and fall back to her seat, (Y,N) standing back and massaging the small poke on his lower back.

"You remind me so much of when I first met Akali~" Evelynn said.

(Y,N) didn't other to look, only responding with a monotone "uh-huh" refilling his glass to the brim again. To (Y,N) he was cautions as of the moment, He wasn't sure if he could fight Evelynn, heck even live five seconds in a fight. He was average at fighting and that was just in normal non-power combat. If it came to fights with power, he wouldn't last much. So to provoke the Evelynn who would be willing to kill him if she felt like it, would not be a great idea. He only got lucky with the blade at her throat thanks to her being in a good mood.

"Why that's quite the quirk you got there~ Why not summon a gun and shoot me instead of a lousy knife." Evelynn said as she look at (Y,N) with a flirty grin.

(Y,N) only sighed as he put his glass down. "Thats not how it works..."

"Oh? Then explain to me."

"Why should I? There's no reason for me to explain, its a powers and that's it-"

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