you wake her for cuddles

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You rubbed your hands over your face with a groan as you took another glance at the clock, despite everything in you telling you not to.

You woke up about an hour ago for seemingly no reason and you haven't been able to get back to sleep since.

You've tried your hardest to.

You've counted sheep and spent a few minutes tossing and turning restlessly until you grew concerned that if you kept it up, you'd disturb Dua.

No matter how many minutes go by or how hard you try to get sleepy, you just can't seem to fall back asleep.

Beside you, Dua is sleeping soundly.

She's exhausted from a super busy week, so she needs to catch up on her rest.

You're resisting the urge to wake her up, as you wonder if it'd help you get back to sleep if you hear her voice or feel her arms around you.

Instead, you just curled up with the blankets and closed your eyes in hopes that, sooner or later, preferably sooner, you'd fall back asleep.

But more time passed.

You tossed and turned and then got tired of doing so, letting out a long groan of frustration.

You looked over at Dua, the moonlight coming through the window providing you enough light to get a good glimpse of your beautiful girl.

Feeling down and frustrated, it was getting hard to resist the urge to not awake her.

You scooted closer to her, gently laying your hand on your shoulder.

"Dua? Are you awake?" You quietly spoke and waited for an answer.

A few seconds later, she stirred and her eyes opened wide.


"Y/N? What time is it?"

"Almost four am."

She groaned and stretched out her legs.

"I'm sorry. I know you're tired but I can't get back to sleep. I need some cuddles." You pouted and she couldn't help but chuckle.

"That's why you woke me? You need cuddles?" She chuckled as she rolled onto her back. "That's cute. Come on, let me give you some cuddles."

You curled up to her and she tangled her legs with yours before kissing your head softly.

"Why can't you sleep?"

"I don't know." You sighed.

"Well, don't worry about it. I'm here for you. Just relax now."

"Thank you. Again, I'm sorry I woke you."

"Shh." She shushed softly. "Don't be sorry. I love you so much."

"I love you too." You smiled.

You relaxed in her embrace, letting all of your worries fade away as she held you close.

"I'll stay up with you until you fall back asleep. I promise." She softly spoke as she played with your hair, making you feel even more comfortable and relaxed.

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