Home in You

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Varian lay back on his bunk, one leg bent up and foot resting on the mattress while the other dangled off. He stretched his arms up behind him, letting them gently press into the metal wall that served as the headboard in the small cabin. He let his fingertips trace the tiny divots and minuscule bolts before letting his muscles relax, hands now resting on the pillow above his head.

He closed his eyes, letting the brass-colored ceiling disappear so he could focus instead on the hum and vibration around him. The soft but comforting energy that was Olivia. Hugo had been right. Varian thought he might feel lonely leaving the Blades and the people of Equis. Leaving Keira and Catalina in their care. And he had been sad to say goodbye after everything they'd been through together.

But now that they were flying, he did feel a kind of peace. They were leaving good people, yes, but they were also leaving behind the messy stuff. All the pain and conflict was now just a memory on a tiny rock. And they, Varian and Hugo, were off to see what was next. Sailing through the stars in this little ship they called home.

Varian opened his eyes as something twisted in his chest.


The thought came to his mind without him meaning to think it.

Did he really think of Olivia as home?

A bit silly when the whole point of all of this was to get him to his real home. It's all he'd wanted ever since he'd been dragged away. All these years, he'd ached to be back on his own planet and back with his dad.

And he still wanted that. Of course he did.

But... the ache wasn't as bad anymore. Maybe it was because he knew they were so close. They'd made it out to the rim, and Corona was only a few weeks' travel away. And with as far out as they were, they weren't likely to be waylaid by anyone.

But maybe... maybe the ache was softer because he had made himself a little home away from home. Over the last few months, no matter what happened, Oliva had become a haven he could fall back on. His little safe zone away from everything else. Even when it had been invaded, they'd managed to keep themselves and the ship safe.

And with how much Varian had worked on Olivia, he felt like he knew her better than any place in the galaxy.

And then, of course, there was Hugo.

Varian thought back to their last night on Equis, the cool earth beneath him, the stars bright and beautiful above them, and Hugo's head resting on his shoulder. Varian's heart fluttered, and he brought his arm down to press it over his eyes, able to feel how warm his cheeks had become.

Hugo felt like home, too.

Hugo was smart and clever. He loved to talk about the same things that excited Varian. Even when he was acting like a bastard, he managed to make Varian laugh. He made Varian feel safe. And he'd given up everything for Varian.

Really, how could Varian not have fallen?

He'd realized he had a crush that night under the stars. There had been a moment, probably just his imagination, when it felt like Hugo had been about to kiss him. But then Hugo had just cuddled up next to him, and that had been it.

Varian toyed with the idea that Hugo might like him back. But it was a crazy notion. Hugo was just trying to be a good person. And if he really had any feelings for Varian, he wouldn't have spent the night with random people, right? No, Varian had already imposed so much on Hugo. He wasn't about to complicate things more by indulging in some stupid romance-novel fantasy.

He just had to try to get over it. But maybe... maybe once they got to Corona, Hugo might stick around, and they could at least keep being friends.


Flying, Falling: a Varigo AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora