Chapter 1

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This will not follow the Dream SMP story line exactly. It will be a little like it but not all the way :)

Tommy was standing on the platform looking at the lava. It was slowly falling. Tommy looked over at Sam who was by the buttons and leavers. "So I'll just call for you to let me out and you'll let me out" Tommy asked nervously. "Yes" Sam said. Tommy looked back at the lava. Tommy was nervose. No more like scared but he believed this would help him.

He would tell Dream that he wasn't scared of him anymore and that he has no more control over him. Even tho Tommy was still scared he had to do it. He didn't want to continue having night terrors of Dream. He needed closure and this was how he was going to get it. He'll just be in and out. He'll be there for five minutes. 

The lava finally fell to the point that Tommy could see Dream. Tommy's breath hitched. He saw Dream standing there. The lava fell all the way. "Walk with the bridge as it moves" Sam said. He flicked the leaver and the bridge started to move. Tommy walked as it moved. He got to the other side. He watched as the bridge was then pulled back. 

The lava started to fall. It was much faster than before. Tommy looked at Dream. The only thing separating the two were the iron bars that would soon be pulled down. The lava completely fell. Soon the bars were retracted. "Hi Tommy" Dream said. "Dream" Tommy said. "It's been a while hasn't it" Dream said. Dream had been in prison for four months now.

 "How you been" Dream asked. Tommy glared at Dream. "Why have you gone quiet. Do I scare you Tommy" Dream said and smiled. "You don't scare me, Dream" Tommy said. "You sure. You're trembling" Dream said and pointed down to Tommy's hands. Tommy looked down to see his hands trembling. Tommy clenched his fists and shot his gaze back at Dream.

Dream had a manipulative smile on his face. "You have no control over me anymore. You have no strings to pull. You're locked in here, and you are going to rot in here for the rest of your life" Tommy growled. Dream laughed a little. "What's so funny" Tommy asked. "You know Tommy once I get out of here you are going to be first on my list" Dream said.

"You aren't getting out of here. I'll make sure of that" Tommy said. "Are you sure Tommy. What can you do. You're just a pathetic weakling. No one loves you. No one cares for you. They all pretend to but they don't. You're nothing. I could kill you and no one would care. They would only care that I killed another person but they wouldn't care that it was you" Dream said.

"No you're wrong. You're wrong. People care about me. People would care that I'm dead. No one will care if you die. They would celebrate your death" Tommy said. Suddenly there were explosions in the distance. "What was that" Tommy said scared looking around. "Sam. Sam I want out now" Tommy shouted. 

"I'm sorry Tommy but there's a security issue. You'll have to stay in there until it is dealt with" Sam said. "Sam no let me out" Tommy shouted his voice shaking. Fear was enveloping his mind. He turned back to Dream. "What did you do" Tommy said. "Me. I did nothing. How could I? I'm locked in here. I have no clue what's going on" Dream said and smiled. 

Dream sat down. "Well why don't you get comfortable. You'll be here for at least a week" Dream said. Tommy's eyes widen. "No, no, no, no, Sam. Sam let me out" Tommy shouted. Dream could here the fear in Tommy's voice. Dream smiled. Dream thought Tommy was terrified of being stuck in the same room with Dream but there was actually a different reason why Tommy desperately wanted out.

Tommy screamed for Sam to let him out until his throat was dry and hurt. Tommy slumped down between the wall and the cauldron. "Finally quiet down" Dream asked. Tommy pulled his legs close to his chest. He laid his left arm on top of his knees and laid his head on his arm. He laid his right hand on top of his head. He kept quiet. 

Time slowly passed. "You're being really quiet" Dream said. Dream got up. He walked over to Tommy who just kept his body the same. Dream crouched down to Tommy's height. "You are being quiet" Dream said and poked Tommy's head. "Fuck off" Tommy said. His voice was hoarse from all the shouting. "Tommy" Dream sang and started to poke Dream. 

"I said fuck off" Tommy said and swat Dreams hand away. "What's wrong usually you're not this quiet. Do I scare you? Are you that scared you don't want to speak" Dream said and poked Dream. "Go away. I'm not scared of you I just don't want to put up with your crap" Tommy said. "That is very rude to say to your only friend" Dream said.

Tommy didn't reply. It annoyed Dream a bit. He kept mocking and provoking Tommy to try and get a reaction out of him but nothing got him to talk. Eventually Dream got bored and went to his chest. He pulled out a book and quill. He started writing in it. Time passed. Dream looked up at the clock. IT was six in the morning. He looked over at Tommy.

Tommy must be asleep. Dream got a grin on his face. "Tommy" Dream shouted. Tommy's body jolted telling Dream that he had woken him up. "Morning Tommy" Dream said. Tommy kept the position he was in. Dream spent 15 minutes trying to provoke Tommy into talking but he didn't say anything. Dream went back to writing. 

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