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Soraya walked in the front office to Savannah High and seen her brother Symere on his phone.

"You must be his sister" the principal asked

"Yes ma'am" Soraya said glancing at her brother who was half sleep

"Symere was put out of class for being disrespectful. I was told that he called the teacher a retarded ass bitch"

Soraya tried her best to hold in her laughs.

"Okay, i'll make sure he gives her an apology" Soraya said

Symere got up at the touch of Soraya smacking his chest

"Man what" he mumbled following her out the office

"School start at 8:00 ... you got here at 8:20 .. and got put out at 8:35. Wtf is your problem now Symere"? Soraya asked as they got in the car

"Man that teacher was on my dick bra ong bih was trippin" Symere mumbled shaking his head

Symere has a very thick atlanta/downsouth accent.

They all lived in Atlanta most of their life. Once Soraya got custody of all her siblings they moved to Savannah.

Symere is 17 and Soraya is 19.

"Symere it's your first week of this school. Stop acting like a fucking jackass all the time" Soraya smacked her lips

"Man i'm not fuck is you talm bout" Symere smacked his lips

He hate it when his sister gets on him and starts acting like a mom.

Their mother died 5 years ago when he was 12 and Soraya was 14.

For 4 years they been in foster care, group homes etc.

Them including their two siblings Dreyona and Mayon. They're twins.

Their 14 just entering highschool.

Once Soraya turned 18 she was on her own and she started getting multiple jobs trying to find a way to save money so she can get custody of her siblings.

So she kinda switched to big sister to mother a lot. She tried not to act too much like a mother tho.

"Man can you take me to Mcdonald's"? Symere asked

"You got Mcdonald's money"?

"Bra Soraya plssssssss" he whined

"I'm fucking hungry man"

"No" she said as she drove in the direction of Mcdonald's

She hated telling them no. She always made sure they had what wanted and needed

He really had a full blown attitude and was slouched in his seat

It was quiet because he wanted to give her the silent treatment

"What you want Meremere"? she asked calling him by his nickname

"You know i love you right"? he said making her laugh

"Whatchu want boy"?

"Chicken mcgriddle" he smiled showing his mouth that was full of rubber bands


"You know that's fucking nasty right"? Soraya scrunched her face up watching Symere take his rubber bands off his braces

"You could've did that shit in the bathroom, got yo nasty ass slob on the table" she shook her head

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