Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 The mother and daughter are safe

    What's going on in the delivery room? Only the people inside know. Outside the delivery room, Mother Xu and Zhao Guoqiang were anxiously waiting. Mother Xu was pacing anxiously, whispering with her hands together, "God bless, god bless, Xiuxiu and the child are safe and sound."

    Her voice was almost so low that only she could hear it,? This Sometimes I don't believe in these things, and if I find out, I might be dragged to educate. But Mother Xu has lived in the village for a long time. How many of these things do she believe? As long as she can keep her daughter safe and sound.

    This woman gave birth to a child as if she had walked outside the gate of hell. The hardships and dangers in it can be imagined. Mother Xu gave birth to two children at such a difficult time in the past. She has a deep understanding of this kind of pain.

    At this time, her most beloved daughter is experiencing the pain she has endured before. She is anxious and helpless, so she can only pray in the bottom of her heart.

    She suddenly remembered her son-in-law, looked sideways, and saw Zhao Guoqiang standing in a corner, with his eyes fixed on the door of the ward, motionless, with a grim expression, his left finger hanging on his waist slightly curled. He has not spoken since his daughter entered.

    Xu's mother recalled that her son-in-law had almost followed the cart all the way. He had a lot of things in the army, but whenever he had free time, he would come to the hospital ward to accompany Xiuxiu. When Xiuxiu had an attack today, he happened to be in the hospital too, so he's been waiting here.

    The bottom of her heart was clear, and Mother Xu seemed to understand her son-in-law's nervousness and didn't bother him. The two stood outside the delivery room, each silently looking forward and praying in their own way.

    I don't know how long it took. It was so long that Mother Xu's legs were sore from standing. She thought that it would take two or three hours to give birth at the earliest, and some five or six hours were not unseen. She was planning to lean against the wall. When I sat down for a break, I heard an intermittent and powerful baby cry from the delivery room.

    "Wow wow wow wow wow wow..." This cry seemed to be a new force, bringing vitality to the people inside and outside the delivery room. Mother Xu's eyes lit up, and she no longer had the time or energy to care about the sore legs. She subconsciously looked back at her son-in-law and exclaimed in joy, "She gave birth, Xiu Xiu gave birth."

    Zhao Guoqiang's eyes also lit up, and when he heard Mother Xu's words, he nodded again and again. He stared at the two words on the door of the delivery room. He was happy and happy. He even breathed a sigh of relief. The first sentence he said was "just be safe".

    Mother Xu's eyes were a little dim, so she didn't see the little water splash at the corner of Zhao Guoqiang's eyes, which was invisible and real.

    After the two were excited for a while, the door of the delivery room opened, and a nurse came out. Mother Xu hurried up and asked, "Hello, comrade nurse, how is my daughter now?" Zhao Guoqiang also stood with Mother Xu. Next to him, he was obviously waiting for an answer.     Zhao Guoqiang and Mother Xu continued to wait at the door of the delivery room. The nurse said that they would be able to come out soon after the treatment was finished. It was also at this time that Zhao Guoqiang calmed down and keenly noticed the strangeness of Xu's mother. She didn't speak, but looked at herself from time to time, as if she had something to ask, but she couldn't say it.     After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Guoqiang understood and knew what his mother-in-law was struggling with.     He heard everything the nurse said just now. Xiuxiu gave birth to a baby girl, their daughter. At this moment, as long as she thinks that there is another child in the world who is connected with the blood of the two, she will look very similar to Xu Wanxiu when she grows up, and Zhao Guoqiang's heart becomes soft.

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