Chapter Thirty One

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The various cute gifts brought life to the darkness in my life, and I smiled in awe at the words written in the different cards that were displayed.

Just as we were putting the gifts away, Ava, Matteo, Jaxon and Evan strutted through the doors. They had visited at least once a day together, to check up on me.

"Hey," Ava said, rushing to embrace me. "How are you holding up today?"

I smiled at her when I pulled back. "I'm better."

"I'm glad you're okay," Matteo said, sternly. "Ava, here, hasn't slept a wink because she is so worried about you."

I glanced at Matteo apologetically, pursing my lips as my eyes travelled to the girl in question.

"I'm sorry for worrying you," I apologised, squeezing her hand slightly, before I pulled away. "Thank you all for coming by today as well, you really didn't have to."

Evan smiled weakly, Ava nodded and Matteo pressed his lips together.

I glanced over at Jaxon, who was narrowing his eyes at me. "I heard you haven't been out for a couple of days. How about a race against my wolf?" he proposed, a devilish look in his eyes.

"Jaxon," Alexander said, warningly, his muscles tensing as he came to stand by my side and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Maybe next time."

"Next time? Hell, no. My best friend isn't a bore," the boy exclaimed, glancing at me daringly. "Lyr, it would give your wolf the opportunity to attack me to relieve some frustration."

My brows furrowed at his words, as if I would hurt him ever. I sighed, and turned in my mate's arms to glance up at him.

"Jaxon is right," I told Alexander, heaving a loud sigh. "My wolf has been in hiding for a week, it's probably a good idea to get her back out there."

Alexander's piercing gaze was on me, eyes filled with concern and his brows knitted together. "Baby, I do not want you out of my sight."

Swallowing hard, I whispered, "I know, but I really need a break from this house."

My mate tightened his arms around me and brought me flush against his chest. His head dipped down until his lips were by my temple.

"Let me take you for a run," he murmured, lowly, his eyes only a couple of inches from mine. "My wolf misses you."

I wanted to, I really did.

But seeing his wolf right now, it made me feel almost ashamed. I was the reason for the loss of our pup, and I couldn't face him yet. I needed to let my wolf run her course before I could have her face him.

"Maybe later, hmm? I will make this quick," I promised Alexander, knowing he would understand.

My mate, as expected, nodded once. He placed a lingering kiss on my cheek, before he pulled back.

"Whatever my Luna wants, she gets," he finally agreed. "It will give me time to handle some pack business in the meantime."

I squeezed at his hand to let him know that I appreciated this, despite how tough it was for him to have me out of his sight ever since the incident. Alexander glanced at me and gave me a quick wink before he turned his head towards Jaxon.

"Jaxon," he said, his voice stern. "Take care of my girl. If anything out of the ordinary happens, you will inform me right away."

Jaxon nodded quickly, before he turned to me and grinned. I narrowed my eyes at him, but eventually cracked a smile at his light mood. He always knew how to cheer me up.

"Come on, my little weakling," he taunted, holding his arm out for me.

Alexander growled lowly by my side. "Watch your words," he warned Jaxon, before he turned to embrace me tightly. 'I love you.'

I wrapped my arms around my mate's neck, inhaling his scent. 'I love you too, and thank you.'

Alexander pecked at my lips before he unwired his arms from around me. He then turned his gaze back on Jaxon.

"Be mindful of my mate, especially if she wants to take a break," Alexander warned the boy, making me glance at my best friend apologetically.

But Jaxon only rolled his eyes, and didn't respond back to my mate.

Before releasing me, Alexander pecked at my forehead. After lightly squeezing my hand, he vanished through the front door, leaving me alone with my friends.

My wolf whimpered after him, longing for his touch, but I knew the distance would do us both good right now.

He would attend to the pack and get to do what he had abandoned all week because of me, and I would give my wolf the time she needed to relieve of the sadness she felt.

Biting my bottom lip, I turned my focus on Jaxon. The boy wiggled his brows.

"I will give you a head start since you're a bit rusty," he teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't cry when I beat you," I retorted, making my way towards the front door.

I briefly caught Jaxon embrace Evan, giving him a light peck before he trailed behind me. I couldn't help but grin as we headed towards the woods.

Though, my heart was torn in every direction possible, I was grateful for the people in my life. And one of them being Jaxon.

Jaxon had been there for me in all of my darkest moments, always trying to cheer me up. He was the brother figure that I never had, and with that thought, I shifted in to my wolf and began sprinting.

I could feel Jaxon behind me, and not a second later, he shifted and sprinted forward to keep up with me. A brief moment later, he entered my mind, of course, taunting me.

'Is that all you got, little Luna?'

My Luna Mate ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat