"If by some chance we do meet again in another life, I'm going to hold you to that dance. Until then, be happy. And as you grow and find the parts of your life that fit you perfectly, make sure you never let them go." Josephine whispered.

"I won't, I promise you." Rosalie whispered back. "Make sure these guys respect you. Don't fall into this marriage Rosalie. Stand up for yourself and what you want. Not what your parents or anybody else wants. You're more than just your beauty. You're kind and loving, you hold so much care in your heart and that is what made me fall in love with you." Josephine said.

Rosalie was full on crying now. Not even trying to hide her despair at the sight of her lover dying on her.

 Not even trying to hide her despair at the sight of her lover dying on her

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"Till death do us part." Rosalie finally said after she cleared her throat. "Till death do us part." Josephine said as her eyes went from the beautiful bright and loving hazel that Rosalie knew and loved to the dull hazel that held no light or life in them.

Josephine's chest stopped moving up and down and her last breath left her lips. Rosalie let out a gutteral scream of despair.

Royce and his buddies laughed and moved in on her, touching her in ways only Josephine had.

Leaving her feeling disgusted and wanting to die, to be reunited with her lover in another life.

She lay bleeding on the ground holding Josephine's hand in hers as she slowly bled out.

That was until a blond man came and collected her barely living body as he decided to turn her into this monster he called a vampire to hopefully please his 'son'.

Rosalie was disgusted by that very idea and this her hatred for Edward started.

Rosalie hated the life of a vampire because she never got to pass on from living to be with the love of her life Josephine Jacqueline Dupont.

She was able to hide who Josephine was from Edward and the others. She made sure that when she thought of Josie, she was far away from the others.

It was on one of her trips that she found Emmett McCarty laying in a pool of his own blood after being mauled by a bear.

She carried him all the way to Carlisle and asked him to change Emmett. She felt a connection to the man but, it wasn't one of those mate bonds, more of a platonic soulmate bonds.

When Emmett was changed, he and Rosalie got on like two peas in a pod. They were destined to meet and to know each other.

Over the years Rosalie still never got over the death of her sweet Josephine Jacqueline Dupont. The love of her life and someone that Rosalie is sure would of been her mate.

In the year 1950, the Cullen's which included Carlisle the coven leader, Esme, the mother figure and Carlisle's mate, Edward, the first person Carlisle ever turned who is also a mind reader, Emmett, the tank of the Cullen coven, and of course Rosalie herself, the beauty of the Cullen  coven, two other vampires showed up on their doorstep.

Their names were Mary Alice —though she only remembers herself being called Alice— Brandon and Jasper Whitlock. Both already had the infamous golden amber eyes that signified that they were on the vegetarian diet.

The two held gifts of their own. Alice's gift was that of selective precognition which basically translates to, she has selective vision based on the choices people make, and Jasper's gift was that of pathokinesis which translates to, he can feel and manipulate emotions.

Now, you might be thinking, what about Josephine? The answer is simple, she might of died that night but, something else awoke in her.

She was in a dark place where there was no light to be seen. She was scrunched up into a ball as she slowly healed. When a woman came to her.

She was beautiful —though not as beautiful as Rosalie—in Josephine's opinion at least. "Who are you?" Josephine asked.

"Most people call me lady Fate." The woman answered. "Hello Fate. It's nice to make your acquaintance" Josephine said.

Fate laughed at the greeting of the young girl. No one has ever greeted her like that, most people shiver in fear when they hear her name.

"Nice to meet you child." Fate said. "Not to be rude or anything but, why are you here?" Josephine asked the deity.

"I'm here to give you another chance child. You weren't supposed to die that night, Death was just being sloppy again. He collected your soul far to early." Fate said.

"How would you give me another chance?" Josephine asked. "Well it's been decades since you died child. The love of your life Rosalie Hale has been miserably missing you. She was turned into a vampire known as the cold one's." Fate told Josephine gently.

"To help you live I'd like to perform an ancient ritual that will make you what is known as a hybrid of a vampire and a werewolf. Now this process will be tough and it will feel like you're on fire. You'll be different to every other creature out there. You'll be reborn and finally meet your mate again. I'll give you a few gifts so that you can protect yourself. Then I leave your life to you." Fate said.

"I accept this deal." Josephine said quietly. Once she heard Rosalie was waiting for her she knew she had to accept this deal, had to be with the love of her life again.

So, she accepted Fate's deal to be reborn. Even if she had to change her genetic makeup to do so.

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