"Yeah, I don't know if it's the best of ideas, only sending us three." Liam supplied.

"Yeah, seems a little intense." Mason agreed.

"How many do you think there are?" Nolan asked.

"Depends on how many are in a tent, I guess. They said four tents, right?" Liam replied.

"Yeah. And that one was brighter than the rest." Mason said.

"That one's probably the alpha's." Theo pointed out.

"Just be careful, Liam," Nolan spoke. Poor kid suffered from a bit of anxiety now. Which Liam guessed he probably had before everything had happened, but it was definitely much worse now.

"I'll be fine, Nolan. I promise." Liam said. Nolan gave him a small smile and nodded.


It was the night after they had noticed the pack on the outskirts of Beacon Hills. Scott, Liam, and Derek stood in the shadows trying to come up with a plan on how to deal with the situation.

"Maybe we should watch them for a bit and figure out how many there are before we rush into things," Liam suggested.

Scott shook his head. "That won't work, eventually they'll realize we're here and assume we want to hurt them."

"Or you could just talk to us directly without scheming behind our backs." A young woman's voice came from behind them.

They spun around quickly to see the woman. She had shoulder-length dark brown hair, brown eyes and tan skin. She was short, but something about her exuded power. Liam had a feeling they wouldn't want to mess with her.

"So, what do you want to know?" she asked. She wore camo pants, a black short-sleeved shirt and black combat boots.

The men were surprised, to say the least, but Scott spoke up. "Welcome to Beacon Hills." He said, sounding like some Walmart greeter and not the Alpha that he was. "I'm Scott McCall," he started before she interrupted him.

"Ah, that explains it then. You're the true alpha everyone keeps talking about." She said the true alpha part as though there were quotation marks.

Scott seemed puzzled for a moment. "Yes, that's me. And who are you?" he asked still not quite sounding authoritative enough.

"I'm M," she informed them. "Alpha of the Rockies pack." She said, flashing her brilliantly red eyes.

"Just M?" Derek asked.

"Yes, indeed." She nodded. "I assume, you know my mate." She gestured to a spot where a tall curly-haired man with a trimmed beard appeared.

"Isaac?" Scott asked bewildered. Liam now realizing why the face looked familiar. He had seen photos of him when he had been younger.

"Hey, Scott, Derek." Isaac, said as if it wasn't strange to see him like this. He walked over to 'M' and put his arm around her. Liam noticed that the height difference was almost ridiculous.

"Well, now that introductions have been given," she said returning her eyes to normal. "I assume you have more questions."

Scott didn't answer still full of shock at seeing his former friend and roommate. Derek didn't respond either so Liam spoke up. "What are you doing here?" he growled with as much venom as he could muster, eyes lighting gold. M's and Isaac's red eyes both lit up at the sight of Liam's. Which in turn filled Scott and Derek with even more surprise.

"Well, you must be the little beta with anger issues!" M exclaimed. "I've heard wonderful things about you!" Liam growled again. He wasn't little and he'd been doing fine with his IED, thankyouverymuch.

"Aww! He's just so cute! Isn't he adorable?" M asked Isaac. He smiled a wide smile and nodded.

"Very cute, babe."

Liam growled. He didn't much appreciate being called 'cute' by these near strangers. The girl hadn't even given a full name. "Oh no, I think we upset the puppy, Isaac!" M said in a mocking tone. Liam felt his claws dig into the flesh of his palm and smelled the blood.

"He asked you a question." Came another voice from behind him. Liam didn't have to turn around to know it was Theo. It seemed like the ex-killer had taken to follow him around even now.

"Well, you must be the chimera! I was wondering when you'd show up!" M gasped. "The one who tried to get the little beta to kill his alpha!" She winced before continuing, "Guess that didn't really work for you, huh?" she asked.

"What do you want?" Theo asked again, voice coming out with a slight lisp, signalling that his fangs were out.

"Actually, you might not believe it, but I'm here for you!" she laughed.

Scott, Derek, and Liam all turned to stare at Theo. Liam hadn't meant to, but it was involuntary. 'Did Theo know this alpha?', he couldn't help but ask himself.

"What?" Theo asked, losing the edge in his voice due to the surprise.

"We're here for you," Isaac repeated.

"Well, you and a few others. Any chance the hellhound is here too?" M asked. She whistled twice as though calling a dog. "Oh, how disappointing!" she exclaimed.

"What do you want with them?" Scott asked finally breaking from his stupor.

"That frankly is none of your business, Scott," M said, enunciating his name with ice. Scott turned to Isaac again. But Isaac just shrugged in response.

"It's not like they're your pack, right?" M asked, already knowing the answer. Liam winced and looked over at Theo who was now just looking down. Liam glanced at Derek who was also avoiding eye contact with anyone. Scott though seemed completely ignorant of their reactions.

"It's still important for me to know," Scott said.

"Oh, right! Town protector, Scott McCall." M said sarcastically.

"Well, maybe it should be their decision." Isaac interrupted before Scott said anything.

Scott nodded. "I didn't mean to cause any issues," Scott said. "I just wanted to make sure that you were aware of being on our territory and suggesting that it would be well-advised to leave. If you want to meet with anyone, then that is their choice." Liam looked at Scott, it seemed a bit odd, but he shook it off.

"If that's all, we'll be leaving now," Scott said.

"Yes, and we'll get in contact when we need to chat again," M said, with a toothy smile. Scott nodded and left without another word. Derek followed Scott, but Liam took another glance at the Alphas who gave him smiles before Theo grabbed him by the arm and lead him back to his truck.

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