The Meeting

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Itadori Yuuji.

The name itself rings a lot to most people in Jujutsu High. The first-year student not only made his presence known by sporting a striking spiky pink hair, a mesmerising reminiscent of the cherry blossom but he is also not without his energetic and outgoing traits.

The young man himself was branded as the junior's heartthrob and the label entitled to him was quite an achievement, considering it's been a month since he enrolled here. Well, the man proved himself another win as he managed to befriend one of the most stoic peers amongst them.

It was none other than Fushiguro Megumi. 

Apparently, when news spread wildfire that Megumi didn't give him the cold shoulder, it wasn't that much of a shocker. Yuuji's bright personality instantly drew everyone in perfectly and he was a great company to be around with.

On the other hand, this case was quite different for the pink-haired male. Truth to be told, Yuuji has been pining on the man since the first day in school. How humiliating can that be? He was never particularly fond of the idea of love at first sight to begin with. However, it all spiralled downhill once he caught himself drawn to the pretty emerald eyes of the peer sitting beside him during the introduction ceremony.

The way the dark-haired male presented himself elegantly, the way he bats his eyelashes prettily and the way he remained a calm and composed demeanour no matter the circumstances captivated him. On that fateful day, he decided he'd pursue a relationship friendship with him.

It only took Yuuji approximately three days when the taller one loosened up to him and his antics. It was a huge success.

Things may progress slowly between them, but the thought of confessing his undying love towards the male made him stomach churn. The last thing he wanted was to ruin the friendship he managed to build. Although, at times, he'd give it a shot and would drop some hints.

Why? Megumi may portray himself as one of the smartest in class but honest to god, Yuuji swore he was the most dense person to ever exist.

That was Megumi's only flaw. His obliviousness.

Even Nobara agreed on this sentiment.

Sigh, so much for teenage love.

Well, at least at the end of the day, they were content with the present pace that they had.

Like the rest of their lunch breaks, Yuuji decided to treat his best friends with drinks by the vending machine. One coke for Nobara, one orange juice for Megumi and one strawberry milk for myself.

On his way to said location, people flocked by him, sending him friendly greetings as he retorted with a cheeky grin. Enrolling in Jujutsu High wasn't that dark or twisting like outsiders make it to be, it's just a bunch of rowdy students living their own life.

Megumi is an exception though.

"Shoko, are you sure you're not an accomplice to your friends' action? Skipping classes is deemed illegal and you'll be punished for doing so!" A loud booming voice echoed through the hallways as the chatter died down, replacing it with eerie silence.

Just right in front of the teacher's room, there stood a student with short brown hair dropping her head in shame, perhaps? By the likes of her cool composure, Yuuji surmised that she's a third year student. Typical seniors, always wanting to show off their superiority in school and attracting trouble wherever they go.

Not that Yuuji has a say in this. This is great tea to spill to Nobara though.

Despite everyone being frozen, Yuuji simply walked away from the scene.

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