"Oh yeah I wouldn't be talking because those swords strikes barely hurt, I know Dan would laugh for that" he smirked.

It was her turn to get mad. "You leave Dan-kun out of this!"


"Stop fighting you two!"

"Itai!!" both clutched their heads.

"Why can't you two get along" Chifuyu facepalmed.

"HE/SHE STARTED IT!" The twins blamed each other.


"What did I tell you or should I make run a few laps again" she said menacingly causing a shiver on the younger twins.


"Good I must go now Chifuyu!" she commanded. "Come to my room in a bit I believe we have some important things to discuss regarding the "Shiroshiki". Chifuyu tensed slightly before standing back up.

"Yes Mother right away"

"Chisuke-kun, you will be in charge for taking care of Ichika and Madoka. I have to some to discuss with my daughter" she said expressionlessly.

"Yes Kaa-san" said Chisuke reluctantly before the older females closed the door.

"That damn woman using Chii-chan in one of her damn experiments" Chisuke thought bitterly as a red glare shined briefly.

"Nii-san is something bothering you?" asked Ichika slightly afraid.

"Yeah I thought I saw your eyes glow are you alright" asked Madoka added equally concerned.

Chisuke realized his siblings nearly saw his newfound power, he just simply rubbed their heads.

"Your brother is alright it just have been a stressful day that's all now I must go" he smiled before leaving.

Their relationship with their mother was anything but peachy. They hated their mother especially Chisuke who always had to assist the exhausted Chifuyu who received harsher training. Their mother would force them to train to the point of exhaustion. At the end of the day both of them are too exhausted to even which is why the younger twins never saw them around. When they ask to play, they usually get a reply of "maybe next time" or "later". Due to their absence the younger twins only played with themselves usually training outside or playing video games. Since they were younger Misaki was much easier on them often smiling at them much to the older twins jealously.

One day I'll put a stop to this mom I swear I'll make you pay for everything.

Three months later

Ichika and Madoka both pounced around the bedroom anticipating their elder sister's upcoming Mondo Grosso tournament where they get to see their sister's win for the second time. They watched the last tournament, how the Crimson Sakura easily defeated her opponents with overwhelming power. Both kids ran down the stairs to the kitchen to find it empty. They were no sign of their strict mother toasting bread, no sign of their older brother siting at the table. It was empty. The kids were confused now so they ran out.

Upon entering the living room, it was quiet, too quiet...

Until they smell something strange something like...


It was coming from the bedroom. Upon entering they were greeted with a sight they never wanted to see in their life. There laid their mother body slumped on the floor in a pool of blood.

"MOMMY!!!" they cried trying to wake their mother.


There was no answer.

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