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I don't mind how many ocs you will be using but please keep track of our rps! I don't really care if you only wanna rp with my male ones but I will high appreciate it if my females are being paid attention too...

Disclaimer: I am not homophobic.
I accept any sexuality and all of that but please understand that I am only comfortable in roleplaying bxg (boyxgirl). It's my personal preference as a straight person and besides, I'm not that knowledgeable about the LGBTQ+ and the only thing I can understand fully that is related to that is bisexuality. I'm good with anything but please do not force me into doing gxg or bxb. I will immediately ignore you. If you don't wanna do romance but would still like to roleplay, sure! I don't mind if our ocs will have a platonic relationship!

I'm down for smut and cursing but if you're gonna curse in this book you can censor it or not, I don't mind. If you wanna do smut, please let's take it to the pms because I don't wanna say bye bye to a roleplaying book that I finally put an effort into making. Ideally, I don't want to have smut scenes every 5 seconds and I swear that my ocs doesn't have a high libido.

Hate my character, not me.

I don't mind if English ain't your first language since it ain't mine either so don't worry about your grammar since I'll make mistakes as well but all I am asking for you to do is to give effort in your replies and be creative. Break the 4th wall if you want to since I personally like doing that. Like, the only minimum I can give you is 4 or 5 sentences. I will match your energy with the energy you give me. This is an example how I rp if I genuinely like rping with the person:

If there is truly a powerful holy being in a place called heaven, Sachihiro ain't interested in going up there just yet once he receives the outcomes of his exams. This dude is still too young to die and he refuses to die as a virgin. I mean, this guy may be respectful but he also has desires and sexual fantasies that he wants to experience soon! And besides, he still haven't done much in his life so he would like to make the most of it while he still can. There is not way in hell that he'll die without touching a woman's boobie! While walking in circles in his dormitory room, he began to plan on what he's gonna do if he did failed the test. Should he start finding a job? Or maybe start looking for a friend who is willing enough to switch places with him to face his Asian mother's wrath? There were too many possible plans that keep on popping into his mind and if this keeps up, poor Sachihiro might end up malfunctioning.

Guys, I don't have a life and I'm lonely. Please tag me whenever you feel like you miss me and our roleplays. I wanna feel wanted and love even if our only communication is only through our rp but of course this is just a joke. Please tag me every 5 hours. I will ignore you however if you're not following the rules anymore.

I am literally BEGGING you but please don't ditch our roleplay... I rarely had an rp that surpassed 50 replies... I'm jealous of the people who have many replies with each other. ;-;

Please do not control my characters. Like, just don't.

No mary and gary sues. Don't make your ocs powerful or perfect and stuff. They're living creatures, or undead if you have a zombie oc or something, so make them have flaws and limitations.

Let's make our plots fun and interesting! Nothing beats a story that is funny and then it gives us a heart dropping angst between our ocs! ♡

❝Ang Minamahal Kong Estranghero.❞ ❧ Individual RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now