Chapter 9

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Elise checked her watch once more, mentally willing the last parent to pick up their child at the school's car rider line to get there faster. She had been internally screaming with excitement at the prospect of going through the boxes in the attic to learn more about Page and Amy and couldn't wait to get home and start. Talia was working on a kitchen renovation project over in the town of Hingham, just a short drive from Hull, so she would pick up pizza on the way home since she would be a few hours behind Elise.

But that just meant Elise got to be the investigator first. It was only fair, Talia got to see a naked Paige first, right?

Damn, if they weren't ghosts, but flesh and blood neighbors, that would have been quite the distraction! Even without being able to hear their voices or see skin tone, or hair and eye color, both transparent girls were so beautiful! But now they were like a little family, though one that Elise felt bad about. As much as she loved the feelings that Amy and Paige had given them the previous night, she truly wished that she and Talia could have done the same. The last thing she wanted the other girls to feel was that they were glorified sex toys. They seemed much too nice for that and deserved to have their own happiness.

However much of that could be achieved while dead of course.

Finally, a dark green Chevy Suburban drove up with an apologizing mom who quickly ushered her daughter into the car seat in the rear of the SUV. With one last wave, she drove off, and Elise walked as fast as she could in her low heels to her car. Luckily, the back roads of the local towns weren't high traffic areas, so the drive home only took her 15 minutes, and then she got ready for her work.

She quickly changed out of her work clothes, then glanced in the mirrors to notice both Paige and Amy shamelessly staring at her body. She debated giving them a little solo show, but didn't want to tease them, so she squashed that thought. With a chuckle, she slipped on sweatpants and a tee shirt since she wasn't sure how clean the attic was. Her last bit of preparation was to take the standing mirror that they used to check out their outfits up to the attic with her, so that she could see Paige and Amy while she was up there. She opened the door to the narrow staircase that led to her destination, and then carefully maneuvered the mirror upwards to the attic.

It wasn't as dirty as she feared, just a bit dusty. Talia had cleaned it months ago, and they just hadn't been back to keep up with the dusting. Now that she looked around though, there was more than enough space to make a small room up there. Pulling the tarp off the boxes, she took a deep breath and got to work.

There were several dozen boxes, and she started separating them by type. Several were labeled 'books', and she put those in one pile. As a teacher, she loved reading and it gave her the sudden idea to turn the attic into a little library. They could even include all the girls' books in there! There were several others labeled 'kitchen' that got their own pile. That could be handy too, because they were still starting out in owning the house and could always use more kitchen gear! The next group was a bunch labeled 'clothes', and she opened a few of those to get an idea of the fashion styles of the girls. Right on top of the box were a pair of iPhone 6s that must have been the girls', and a pair of charging cables. She quickly plugged them in, thinking maybe there could be selfies or something that they could print and put in frames. That would be nice, to have them truly be a part of the house for all to see. She had no idea how they would explain that to their parents though!

Every time she did anything, she was glancing at the mirror, eager to see what their reaction would be. Opening the first box of clothes, she started looking at the tee shirts she had unearthed and was happy to see quite a few cool ones. "Are you girls okay with us wearing your clothes? Or would that be too weird?" she asked them through the mirror.

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