Chapter 18

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Naruto didn't know what to make of the main Pain's power. It was so weird. "What the fuck was that?" Naruto asks under his breath. Then, he walks up to the Pain he was facing and lands a finishing blow to his skull, cracking it open under the pressure of his fist. That Pain had not been able to stand after Naruto punched him before the main Pain dispatched Naruto's shadow clones. Naruto looks over the remaining opponents. The Pain that could summon, bring back the dead, and the one that absorbs Ninjutsu were killed. So the ones remaining were the main Pain, a baldie with a dopey smile and one with long hair and a neutral expression on his face. Naruto didn't know the abilities of any of the Pains remaining. Except for main Pain, who could do some weird pushing jutsu. Naruto reasoned that the others must have some bizarre jutsu as well.

Naruto sinks down into a defensive taijutsu stance. He wouldn't run into battle unprepared. "Katsuyu..." Naruto says loud enough for the slug to hear him. She pops up from his flak jacket. "Yes, Naruto-sama?" She asks. "I am going to need you to look out for any patterns to the remaining Pains. This, from now in is a blind, three on one fight. It doesn't seem like I can summon any clones to even out the score either," Naruto lays out the situation. "Hai! I'll look out for anything you can use," Katsuyu says. "Thank you," Naruto says, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath to refocus on what he has to do. He opens his eyes and zero's in on the closest Pain. He reexamines the area for any Hirashin kunai he can take advantage of. He doesn't find one, so he produces a few more from his pouch. He throws them out, but it seems like the Pains have learned from their previous bout, he lifts his hand and pushes them out of the air before they can land, and they land behind Naruto. "So I won't be able to use Hirashin against him... That is annoying..." Naruto says to himself. "It is useless..." Pain says. "You should give up now. The more clones you kill, the stronger the ones remaining will become. The peace Jiraya-sensei talked about will finally be realised with your death," He adds. "Jiraiya-sensei..?," Naruto asks. "That's right. I was Jiraiya's student before you. I have lived in his teachings and found them thoroughly lacking. That is why need you to be sacrificed so the world will finally have peace, even if it will only be for a little while," Pain says. "I see..." Naruto seemingly gives up. "I will give you one more chance: Give up." Pain says. "Give up on making me give up!" Naruto screams as he forms a Rasengan in his hand and runs towards the three. He got to them before they could react.

"Senpo: Rasengan..." Naruto says coldly and drives the dense chakra ball into the baldie. The crunching sound of metal crumbling spread through the battlefield. A shocked expression forms on the man's face before it goes limp. "See... All I'll have to do is this two more times," Naruto says with a stone cold expression. "I must admit... You are very fast. But you are not faster than me," Pain says as he appears behind Naruto and reaches his hand for Naruto's neck. Naruto weaves his head to the side. "You forget I can feel your chakra moving," Naruto says as he grabs onto the arm and throws the body over his shoulder and into the ground. "Impressive strength. But now I have full access to your body," The Pain says from underneath him. Pain moves the arm that Naruto wasn't holding onto and places it near Naruto's chest. "Shinra Tensei," He says, and the feeling of the world turning on Naruto is overwhelming. He gets flung away from the traped body he had under him. He lands on the ground. It would have hurt him if he wasn't in Sage Mode, but he stands up and dusts his shoulders off. "Your Jutsu is strong. But it isn't stronger than Nature itself," Naruto says as he locks onto the other body of Pain. Naruto runs over with as much speed as he can. He throws a punch. But the man dodges the punch without any difficulties. So the Pain he had thrown over his shoulder was up again. He was sure that throw was enough to break the man's back. And if not that, at least a leg or two. The Pain's must not feel any pain.

Naruto flashes away from the two. He reassesses the battlefield again. The Pains were standing back to back with the main Pain turned to the opposite side of Naruto. The other Pain was looking for Naruto. But it seemed like he hadn't found him yet. "Your share visual links. Let's do genjutsu then," Naruto says as he forms his hands into the tiger seal. He had read about this technique in the Senju library, but he had never had a reason to use it. "Kokuangyo no Jutsu!" Naruto says. The Pains find themself in infinite darkness. Naruto takes a deep breath. This jutsu sure takes a lot out of you. Naruto walks over to the two of them. He forms a Rasengan in his hand. "Only one left..." Naruto says as he drives the Rasengan into the long-haired man's stomach. It was quicker than either of them could react to the change in Naruto's chakra. The man flies and bonuses on the ground before he dies.

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