Chapter 1

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Danielle Downey isnt any ordinary girl... she's beautiful, some may say she's a gift from Aphrodite.
She had all the boys wrapped around her finger, especially the golden boy of Hufflepuff, Cedric Diggory.

Cedric and Danielle... Danielle and Cedric...
No one could remember a time when they weren't best friends. As all best friends do, they shared everything with eachother, however Danielle had one secret that not even Cedric knew about... She had the biggest crush on Cedric!

Not to sound cliche, but ever since they met on the train, she knew he was the one for her...


Danielle was sat in a carriage, all alone, she was a muggle born so she didn't know anyone there, plus she was too shy to try and make friends with others on the train.

She was reading her favourite book, 'Oliver Twist' as she twiddled her long blonde locks.

Suddenly, a handsome young boy slid open the door.

Danielle was in awe of him, he had gorgeous brown hair with a slight wave to it and deep chocolates brown eyes.

He spoke to her "Hello! My name is Cedric, Cedric Diggory. Would you mind if I sit here?"

"Go ahead Cedric, Cedric Diggory" she laughed at her own joke, "I'm Danielle Downey"

"It's a pleasure to meet you Danielle" he smiled softly at her and the young girl's heart melted.

For the rest of the journey they laughed, got to know eachother and became best friends.


The two were now in that very same compartment travelling to Hogwarts for their 6th year at Hogwarts. That compartment was now known as 'The Diggory's compartment' everyone called Danielle 'Danielle Diggory'. Cedric found it absolutely hilarious and made jokes about it constantly.

Danielle always wondered whether she would ever actually become 'Danielle Diggory' or if it was all just a fantasy, she hoped it was the first one, I mean Cedric is a great catch! He's handsome, smart, kind and an all round amazing person! Oh how she wished that he would hold her in his arms...

Danielle was still a bit traumatised from what happened at the World Cup. As a muggleborn, seeing how those muggles were treated made her scared for her family, and for herself, but Cedric comforted her, which made her feel a little better.

The train suddenly came to a holt.

"You excited to be back at Hogwarts Danny?" Asked Cedric

"I guess" the girl replied

And the two got off the train, ready to start another year at Hogwarts. With what happened the past 3 years, Danielle was worried. But come on, bad luck 4 years in a row? That's just impossible! I mean, what's the worst that can happen??

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