Chapter 3

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- I know that this is nothing like what happened in the books but I don't care because I couldn't find the right pages in the book until I was like halfway through the chapter, so forgive me -

"The Triwizard Tournament!" He finished.

"REALLY?! FUCK YEAH!!" Said the familiar voice of Charlie Simons, another Hufflepuff... it's a very energetic house. He's probably the loudest 3rd year there has ever been. Despite the loud cursing, you could see Professor McGonagall having a secret giggle with Professor Snape.

You could hear the cheers coming from the Slytherin table, specifically from a rather popular 6th year, Jester Moon.

Anyways, as you can probably tell, everyone was rather excited.

I looked to Cedric who had the biggest smile on his face, I stared at him for a good minute until my train of thoughts was interrupted by...

A man entered, he was soaking wet, it was storming outside so that made sense. He stormed into the hall very loudly.

"Am I interrupting something, Albus?" Said the man

"Ah not at all! Students, may I introduce to you our newest addition to the Hogwarts staff. Professor Moody shall be taking over the roll of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.

There was an awkward applause, not many people joined in, most likely terrified by the new professor.

"Bit creepy isn't he?" Cedric whispered to me to which I responded with a small nod.

"Carry on with your speech, Professor" said Moody

"Ah yes, as I was saying, the Triwizard Tournament! The students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang shall be arriving in October for the tournament, and the champions shall be chosen on the 31st of said month. The winner will get a prize of 1000 galleons."

"I VOLUNTEER AS CHAMPION" yelled Apollo enthusiastically.

"SORRY OLLIE BUT IT'S GONNA BE ME" yelled back Charlie, despite the fact that they were sitting veryyyy close next to eachother (and making out perhaps)

"Ah, whilst I encourage the enthusiasm, it has been decided that only those of age may enter the tournament, due to a large number of deaths coming from students that aren't of age."

"NO!!" They both screamed.

"HAH I'M GOING TO BE THE CHAMPION!!" Yelled out Jester this time.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna go for it.. it sounds cool, and I could use the money" Cedric whispered to me

"Oh Cedric! But it's dangerous, you could die!" I whisper-shouted to him.

"I know, but that's what makes it more fun!" He whispered back, to which I sighed in defeat, how would I convince him otherwise??

There were shouts of disappointment still echoing around the hall, but all I could hear was Cedric's words bouncing around my head... oh Cedric... why would you do this to me??


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