Retsu x gender neutral reader (floof)

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  "Retsuuuuuuuuuu" I whined, "Yes Y/N?" Retsu said sounding tired. "I love you :3" I said giggling. He facepalms and sighs, "I love you too". You were now off the couch and into the shared bedroom of you and your husband getting ready to go to the store. "And where do you think your going?" He asks, "To the store 😀" you say back, "Without me?", you pause for a moment getting annoyed because he goes with you everywhere now since the criminal breakout and it was getting a little annoying having someone go with you to every little place, "Retsu it's just the store, I won't be gone that long" you say sighing, "I just want you to be safe" He says. "Retsu, I love you, but calm down, I'll be fine" You say as you walk out of the beautiful traditional Chinese house (I wish 🥲).

(Time skippity skip :])

You are now walking down the semi dark streets of the Tokyo prefecture making your way back home when you hear from a dark alley way, "I didn't know he had a lover" with a sinister chuckle following behind. "Um, I didn't know alley ways could talk but I'm taking my ass home 😀" you say half scared and half internally crying for not brining Retsu. "I don't think so." The voice says, and the world that was once light by street lights and store lights had gone black. 'Welp fuck my life I guess' you think to yourself.

  You could hear only fans running, 'A warehouse? So original' You think, rolling your eyes as if anyone could see. "I have no clue who you are and why you kidnapped me but are you gonna pay for my groceries? I had some good shit in there that was on sale >:(" you say being hella aggravated. "No, I'm not paying for your stupid little grocery trip, I'm using you to lure your little lover boy so I can finally have my dream come true." The voice says. "Kinky lmfao" you say jokingly, "Shut up you damn brat." You could tell he was a little annoyed but you were having fun so why would you stop?🤷‍♀️. "You are so aggravating, I'm surprised he's still with you." After the voice had said that sentence you could hear the banging of doors collapsing to the ground. "Dorian!" It was Retsu, 'Finally 🥲' you think to yourself. "Took you long enough you doof, I thought you loved your s/o enough to take atleast 5 minutes but no 😑." the voice says clearly being sarcastic, "Shut up and give me my s/o back, now!" Retsu says sounding pissed asf. That's when the fighting started and all you could hear was bones cracking and a thump that sounded like a body but we don't know that 👀.

(time skip back home 🤠)

  After a wonderful bath and dinner made by your husband you both were now laying on the couch watching whatever came on but you weren't paying attention to the TV but to each other. "Now I have to go back to the store 🥲" you say jokingly crying again, "Bruh, you just got kidnapped and all you're thinking about are groceries?" Retsu says sounding extremely confused. "There was some good ass sales and they're prolly never gonna happen again" you say with you hand over your heart fake sobbing, "I'll go with you tomorrow now stop your whining and take your ass to sleep 😑" He retorts. "OK fine lol, I love you :) <3" you say making a half finger heart to him, "Yeah, I love you too" He says making the other half of the heart while rolling his eyes. "I never got my takoyaki 🥲" you say, "Bruh. Take yo ass to sleep or I'm going to lay in the bed without you." He says annoyed, "ok 💀 my bad big dog, my bad" you say while chuckling a little.

The end mofos, bye-lol
Totally didn't forget to tag the request 😃  StickerObsession

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