Jack x reader Jackieeee

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   "I'm so boreddddd" I whined to my boyfriend. "Then go do something, read a book or just anything."He said, "Anything?"I said slyly."You know what I mean" He said cutting his eyes at me, "but Jackie I wanna do something with you" I whined more."Well then figure something out and come back to me later."He walked to the training room and started to do some push-ups, when the brightest idea popped into my beautiful head.
  I walk over to him and sit criss cross on his back. "So I guess this is how you wanna spend time with me?" "yes" I respond with my lovely demonic voice, "I really wish you would stop doing that" He said unamused, "but I thought you liked it" I said now starting to pout. "I could take it or leave it, mostly leave it but whatever" He retorted. "You're so mean Jackie" I said fake crying, "You'll get over it you big baby." I start to feel him shift and get up, I have never clung to something so hard for dear life, then I feel his hands grab my thighs and flip me over his head. "JACK!" "Calm your ass down, I'm ready to go to sleep" "Yeah but you need a shower"

(time skip cuz I have no motivation)

   "Finally" I say looking at him, but gah dayum he lookin hella fine with that towel hangin low around his waist- stop it, "You like what you see huh?" He says sounding all cocky. "Shut up and come love me you big bitch" He rolls his eyes at that statement and chuckles as he puts on his boxers. "I'm never gonna get rid of you I guess" what does he mean by that? He climbs in the bed and then surprise, he lays his giant ass on top of me. "JACKIEEEEEEEE"

Sorry if the updates are slow, I've been tired and unmotivated due to certain issues going on but I'll still update <3- lol

🍙Random Baki thoughts and scenarios🍙Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora