I looked away immediately, turning my attention to Maya, "N-no, don't leave, you came just in time" I stuttered.

Reece smirked, dimples forming on both sides of his face, and got up from kneeling. Instead of just walking away, he lowers down, moving closer to my ears, and whispers "I'll stick with the Kitten, Kitten."

Without another word, he finally walks away. As soon as he is out of hearing, Maya walks up to me. I immediately got up from the bench turning my attention to her.

"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?" She asked in shock and excitement.


"And just as I told him my actual name, you arrived. That's it" I stated, finally ending the little storytelling of what happened earlier today, from the glass door incident to the band-aid part to Maya as I twirled my spaghetti meatball with a fork.

The atmosphere of the restaurant is very cozy, it is just a few minutes away from the student apartment so it is very convenient. There are not many people around so it is not as loud and crowded, which I enjoyed the most after a tiresome day.

"What do you mean 'That's it, It's everything!" she exclaimed loudly. "The positions you guys were in, and the way you were staring at each other is intensely hot"

I almost choke the last bite of the meatball at her exaggeration. Immediately grabbed the glass of water in front of me.

"Seriously Maya, we're practically strangers," I claimed, placing the glass back in its position.

She smirked mockingly, "Strangers don't touch each other sensually and as hell won't stare at each other the way you guys were" she winked cheekily. "Well, except if you're in a club or something but still!" she shrugged.

Scrunching my brows together, "It's not like that. He's just trying to help"

She chuckles, shaking her head "You're so cute, Adaline. One day you'll understand. Let's get out of here, I'm ready to dive into bed"

Taking the last sip of my drinks, we called the waiter to pay for the bills and head out.

The walk from the restaurant to our apartment was not far, The slightly cold breeze makes the walk much more enjoyable. As it was only half-past eight, there were still people hanging around, laughing and talking to their peers.

As we walk, the weird feeling of being watched that I felt all day came back, unconsciously wrapping my arms around myself, I look around, confirming that people are staring at us.

What is going on now?

I asked myself, feeling the harsh glares and stares around us. I turned my attention to Maya. "Why is this keep happening?" I asked quietly so that only Maya can hear me.

"Loverboy happened, Twitter has been blowing up since yesterday about you guys and what happened on campus today is added to the fuel," she said as she pull the main door of the apartment building.

"What? It's on Twitter?" I asked dumbfounded while waiting for the elevator.

"You didn't see it on Twi-- Adaline Williams. Don't tell me you haven't downloaded the app yet? Instagram?"


The elevator door has opened and we walked in.

"I did download it, just haven't got the time to make an account yet. Is it really necessary though?"

"Yes, it is! You need to at least try to it in, you promise!" she exclaimed and sighed in disappointment.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I just forgot."

The elevator door opened again on our floor and we immediately headed into our apartment.

She sighed, tossing her bag on the sofa. "Come on, hand it over, I'll make the account for you." she signed to hand over my phone to her.

Fishing for the phone from my bag, I immediately do so, not wanting to get scolded again. "I'm sorry, Maya. Please don't be mad at me. It's just that I'm still not used to this"

"I'm not mad. But going to college together has been our dream since we were kids." she started, as her finger continuously viciously tapped my phone. "We hardly get permission from your parents and we both know why. After many begging and compromising, we need to be extra careful and keep our promise. Okay? I still love you, now stop pouting"

I nodded understandingly. "I promise and I love you too"

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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