"Watch me."

Peeta shakes off Haymitch's grip and joins me in the center of the stage. Effie wipes a tear from her eye quickly as she announces our names. I look into the crowd, searching for my family, for Gale and Prim, I see them as Gale lifts three fingers in the air. I feel my heart beating, hear it beating even. This is a symbol of rebellion now and Gale just held it up. Effie reads the closing remarks as peacekeepers make their way to us. I stand still, not daring to move against them as they push us backwards off the stage. I feel their arms around me as they drag us inside and the door closes. They begin to walk us through the building, passing the visitor rooms.

"Wait, we get to say goodbye!" I stop, trying to make my way into one of the rooms. The peacekeeper grabs me harshly and pulls me further down the hall.

"New plan, straight to the train." He continues to pull me harder than I believe is necessary.

"We've got it. You can let go of her now." Peeta approaches us and reaches for my hand.

"She seems to have a different plan," The peacekeeper stops moving, turning to look at Peeta, "She will go straight to the train."

"She's got it. I wasn't asking. Let go of her."

The peacekeeper spends a long second staring at Peeta, but he releases my arm. Peeta looks at my arm, reaching for my hand and holding me against him. The peacekeeper walks in front of us and opens the door leading to the car that will take us to the train. Tradition is that there is one car for the male and one for the female, this time there is just one car. Another peacekeeper ushers us into the car and closes the door behind us. The car begins driving down the road. I watch out my window, passing by the charred remains of the hob. We pass the bakery. I notice Peeta staring, none of his family came to see him when they heard the news about the Quell. Even now that the reaping is over, the bakery is open and shows no sign of a mourning family. No matter what happens in these games, I know our child will never feel how he has felt. They will never feel irrelevant and unwanted, never be pushed to the side.

I take Peeta's hand and lean into him. We will be at the train station in just a few minutes and will be surrounded by camera's before we leave. Haymitch and Effie have stopped with the cards and consistent reminders to be in love, they just assume our acting has gotten better. This is true in a way, expect we decided a while ago not to act anymore, just to see what happens on its own. The car stops and I look out the window, seeing the camera's focusing on the car door. The peacekeeper opens the door and Peeta gets out of the car. He takes my hand and helps me out as well, walking onto the train platform where Effie and Haymitch join us. Peeta and I smile and pose, waving to the cameras. I notice Haymitch shaking his head toward us, clearing we aren't giving the right performance in this case. We are ushered onto the train and the doors quickly shut behind us. The train lurches forward and we are on our way to the capital. Haymitch and Effie motion us toward the last car and we all sit. I'm overcome with a sudden wave of emotions and tears begin to fall without me being able to stop them. I turn to Peeta and start yelling at him."

"You are so stupid Peeta! How could you volunteer for Haymitch?! I can't watch you in the arena this time, I have to watch myself and keep our," He pulls me against him quickly, shushing me. I realize I almost told them about the baby.

"I'm sorry Katniss. Being in there with you is the only way I could keep you safe. I don't need you to watch me, I just need you to stay with me."

"Okay." I let him hold me as I calm down. Effie and Haymitch watching us with questioning eyes.

"Is there something the two of you would like to tell us?" Effie is staring at us, waiting for an answer.

"No," I answer quickly and Peeta grasps my hand under the table.

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