Bitch, this is so embarrassing.

I saw him smile before glancing at the bartender preparing his drink and then finally facing me. The way his muscles flex at his sudden movement did not escape my eager gaze. He doesn't have that overly exaggerated kind of muscles, his build actually suited him, not too burly, but not too thin either. Just the right amount that would say he went to the gym at some point to burn all the fats. Damn it, when was the last time I saw heavenly muscles like this?

The answer: never. The only muscles my eyes were aware of belongs to my brother. And fantasizing about it is nasty, so it's a big no to me.

"Hi." He greeted me while his left arm is leaning on the bar counter, his attention fully on me.

For a good 3 seconds, my mind made a debate on whether I should greet him back or just ignore this delicious excuse of a human. I was about to ignore him after 3 seconds when my brain suddenly took control of me and faced him with a smile of my own. "Hey."

'I hope he finds me attractive.'

I mentally smacked my head on the bar counter several times when that thought came to my mind. What the hell? Like hell I care if he finds me attractive or not. I'm here to enjoy the night and not spend it in bed getting wild like what my brother is probably doing right now.

"You're new here? I haven't seen you here before?" he asked after saying thanks to the bartender who handed him his drink. He then took a sip while waiting for my reply, glancing at me with those beautiful pale eyes.

"Assuming you all know the people around here?" and here comes my idiotic reply. Stupid, stupid Ciarra. Don't release your bitch mode on right now, woman. Behave, damn it.

He chuckled before taking another sip of his Mojito. Feeling like a fool, I also took a sip from mine. The drink made its way through my throat and somehow gives me a new sense of confidence. Let's go, bitch, you can do this.

I don't even know why I'm trying to boost my confidence right now. We were just talking, and honestly, I'm kinda expecting something more.


"Well, not all. But I came here for almost a month now and some faces, I do tend to recognize, despite not knowing them, that is." Damn it, even the way he holds his glass is so damn sexy.

Reign in those hormones, woman.

I grip my glass tighter and let my hands loose. I faced him and smiled my sincere smile, "Sorry about the attitude, it was just a long day and I'm still tense and tired from my flight." Unexpectedly, my words came out in a nice way. I wasn't trying to make friends with this stranger, but who knows if he's feeling down lately so my bitchy attitude is not going to ruin someone else's evening, no thank you.

Because of my idiotic brother, after our plane landed at the airport, he immediately dragged me to the hotel, dumped our bags in our rooms, then dragged me again to the beach where he left me to go find some random woman to get some ooh-la-la. It was a good thing that I was wearing a white backless bodycon dress so I wouldn't look like an idiot in the club, looking so out of place.

"Oh, so you're a tourist?" he asked, his attention now fully on me. He held the glass to his lips and sipped. It's truly a wonder how his lips somewhat did a slow motion on sipping his drink.

I gulped and cleared my throat.

"Well, not really. My brother and I just came here for a vacation. You know, to get away from the stress of reality back home." I am well aware that I should not reveal any personal information to a stranger I just met, but what I said was actually true.

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