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It's been over a year since Senior year ended and everyone is having a blast. Erens almost two years clean and living together has been really good for them.

There has been some ups and down. They got into lot of arguments when they first moved it they were all really small and they always delt with it. The never let themselves go to bed angry. They got into one really bad one. Eren had been overworked and Armin was stressed to the max and they had started getting into it about Jean. Eren was upset about how close they were and he commucated it wrong. They ended up working out and laughed about it.

The good times were great they worked really well living together. Armin paid rent and Eren paid the power and the water and stuff. It was really nice. If one of them was having  a bad day the other one was there to help solve it.

They didn't go down during Christmas so that they would have more time off for spring break. Armin and Eren both Agreed that would be best. And thats where they were heading to now. "God I'm excited." Armin said.

Eren was driving. He had one hand on Armins thigh and the other on the stirring while. It was only a 3 and 1/2 hour drive and they were on the last stretch. Armin was getting jumpy. He wanted to see everyone again. "I am too." Eren said.

They pulled up to a red light and Eren did what he was did. He kissed Armin cheek and whispered I love you. It gave Armin butterfly every time. "I love you too." Yea. They say I love you now. After that big fight they had they started saying I love you.

"Ten more minutes until we're there." Eren said as he started going again.

They had made some friends while in Maryland but not like they one they have here. Armin hummed the song that was playing waiting to hop out of the car.

The ten minutes passed by in a flash. "Baby were here." Eren said.

Armin quickly walked around the car as Eren got out. Eren was getting excited too. He wanted to see everyone. Eren got out and wrapped his arm around Armin and the walked into Carla's house. Both or them were practically jumping with excitement.

There was music playing and people catching up with each other. As soon as Mikasa and Armin made eyes contact they were hugging. Eren went and hugged Historia. God it was so nice seeing how everyone had changed.

They were all they same but all so different. Armin took Erens hand and went into the kitchen to say hi to everyone. They were laughing and smiling and dancing.

Mikasa and Armin danced. Mikasa had been drinking and she slipped and busted her ass. Armin was laughing so hard he started choking.

They all were in a dancing line at some point. By the end everyone was drunk and/or passed out somewhere. Eren and Historia we're the last two awake. They talked for a while not doing much just catching up. "I didn't know Armin drank." Historia said drinking  her water.

"Not much only at things like this." Eren said. "I don't mind it honestly drunk Armin is really  funny." Historia laughed. 

She hopped up onto the counter. "How has it been? Living with Armin I mean."

Eren smiled. "Really good. We fight sometimes but we always work through it." He took a sip of water. "What about you?"

"Well um." She started. She then flashed her hand showing her engagement ring. "I'm engaged."

"Oh my god!" Eren yelled. He hugged her. After couple of seconds they let go. "God." He said. "Who knew we'd be here? Surrounded by people we love?"

Historia smiled. "not me." She laughed. "Ya know if you told 10th grade me  this is where I'd be in a few years Id would've called you a lair."

"Yea same here." Eren said. "It's surreal."

Historia held up her cup. "To new beginnings."

Eren smiled. "To new beginnings." They toasted and went to bed. Eren wiggled into the spot Armin was lying.

"Hm?" Armin said waking up ."Oh hey my love." He said seeing Eren. Once Eren got comfortable Armin laid his head on Erens chest. "You're so warm."

Eren smiled. "baby I always am."

"I know." Armin was still drunk. "I love it so much." He smiled. "I love everything about you." Eren ran his fingers through Armins hair. "Your voice, your eyes, your heart, your love." Armin giggled. "I love it all."

Eren smiled. "I love you too."

"Sh." Armin said. "I love how you always know when I'm upset, I love that you're good with animals. God I can't wait to marry you."

Eren laughed. "Yea. Some day we will be. Like in the fairytales."

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