Chapter One

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     It felt like it never stopped raining in Konohagakure. Not as of the last few years. Whether it was actual rain, or just the general mood of the village as one walked through. Even though it had been years since the fateful night when the Kyubi attacked, and the Yondaime Hokage and his wife, as well as countless other perished by its fangs and claws. And yet, the village still grieved, though in much more silence than before.

     Not many were out during the rain, except for those in need of something from the markets, towards the end of the night or not. Or of course, one of the many ninja of the village, either on, leaving for, or returning from assignment. One such ninja trailed in through the village gates however, not seeming to notice the rain was even there. They continued to walk through the village and to the market quarter, figuring they could make their report after a late dinner. The loud growling of their stomach seemed to fend off any errant thoughts of just getting the report over with.

     As the Ninja turned into the row that would lead a few blocks down to the (in)famous Ichiraku's, they paused, and glared at the crowd that was gathered around the middle of the street. The rain muffled their jeers, taunts and rallying calls. Gaining a bad feeling, the ninja hopped up onto a nearby shop roof, and scowled deeply at what they saw amidst the middle of the gathering.

     A small child, dressed in ratty clothing and coated with fresh mud, laid in the fetal position, with their tiny hands covering their head in a feeble attempt to protect it from the kicks and from the three men who had ganged up on them. As the ninja strained their hearing to listen over the pouring rain, they caught the words being yelled at the child with such venom. 'Demon!' 'Murderer!' 'Cursed child!' 

     The ninja's glare turned murderous as the seconds ticked by, processing just what they were seeing. A hand drifted towards the weapon on their hip...Before begrudgingly moving away from it. With a leap, they moved from their spot on the roof, with intent to finally do something about this.


     Natsuki was just trying to find some food. She was kicked out of the orphanage a week ago by the head caretaker, told that since she was old enough to think, walk, and speak, she was old enough to stop darkening their days. She tried to get to the Hokage, but the receptionist wouldn't even let her see him!

     She just wanted something to eat to quiet her angry tummy. But then one of the merchants caught her by their food stalls, and then everyone was yelling at her, calling her a demon and a murderer. She tried to tell them she didn't, that she didn't hurt anyone! But just like the caretakers, none of them listened. And then, the beating started. First slaps and smacks, until some of the adults got bold and started to punch her. Her tears only seemed to embolden them.

     After a few blows, the tiny child fell to the ground, and tried her hardest to protect her head as they kept kicking her and stomping on her. Her vision was beginning to fade, when she suddenly heard the sound of people other than her being hit, and seeing one of the men kicking her fall over like a sack of potatoes through the space between her arms. Moving her arms from her head, she looked up weakly, seeing what had to be a ninja-A Ninja!-standing over her. One of the other men got in the ninja's face, screaming at them. What he could be yelling, she couldn't tell. Her ears were ringing something fierce.

     Whatever the man said, the ninja didn't like. Natsuki watched as they grabbed the sheathed katana at their hip, before driving the hilt into the man's gut with force. The man bent over before he coughed up blood and fell to the ground. The ninja said something to the gathered villagers, and pulled out a kunai from the pouch on her belt. Amazed, Natsuki watched as the villagers all winced, and looking none too pleased about it, turned and walked away from her and her savior.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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