Part XXIII: The Fight of a Lifetime

Start from the beginning

Monty slammed into the thing full-force, cracking the rib cage and the bottom of jaw of the outer head looking part. The mass flew backwards from the impact, shocked that Monty had enough strength to go damage.

Roxy and Chica ran up to Y/N, each grabbing a hand. "Oh my god, Y/N! H... how are... how are you still..." Chica stuttered, her eyes flying over a the injuries and the draining blood.

"I don't know, it all still fuckin hurts though"

"We'll go and get Monty. Just hang on, ok?" Roxy smiled, squeezing her hand.

They both stood and charged at the mass, which was still being brutally attacked by Monty, and they began to help. They yelled something to him and he nodded and ran over to Y/N immediately sliding to his knees and putting one hand behind her head and he other in her hand.

She smiled up at him. "Oh fuck, oh fuck... Y/N..." He choked.

"I'm fine. Somehow. I should've bled out a while ago but I'm still fine, I just feel nauseous. I'm not dying any time soon. Did you get Vanny?"

Monty sighed and nodded. "She's tied up and locked away with some security guards. Are... are you sure you're alright? Fuck... your arm...your leg..."

"I'm fine, really. I think it's starting to go numb. Could you help me stand up?"

Monty looked surprised, but it shifted into a chuckle. "Alright, but if it hurts to bad I'm carryin' ya"

He helped her sit up and she gave him a quick kiss on his snout.

She stood, painfully, but tolerably, and let her limp arm dangle by her side. It wasn't hurting as much now, but she doubted it would ever work again.

Monty carefully wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her, lingering a little when he pulled away. "You gotta be ok, alright? That's a threat"

Y/N chuckled. "Alright, I promise" 

She looked over at Bonnie. Freddy was with him, helping him stand upright just like Monty was doing with her. Bonnie said something to Fred and looked over at her, sighing when he saw she was alright. He smiled and nodded. She nodded back.

Then she looked over at the mass. It groaned and roared at Chica and Roxy, swatting at them as they pulled pieces of it apart but missing them. "We need to burn him" Y/N said simply.

Monty looked at her, a little confused, but he trusted her. He held up his hand and the tip of his finger flew backwards, and a small flame spat from it.

Y/N jumped. "For lighting birthday candles" Monty shrugged.

Y/N nodded and scanned the floor around the mass. Garbage was literally everywhere. If they set the mass on fire, it wouldn't be long until the entire place went up. If they wanted to keep Pizza Plex unharmed, they'd have to have something like fire fighters down here to keep the fire around the mass. But the fire fighters wouldn't believe them.

Y/N looked around at the animatronics. What would happen to them if the pizza Plex was destroyed? What would happen to Monty? His pink eyes locked onto hers, and she could feel the tears well.

If they needed to do this, she had to say goodbye to all of them. As she stared into Monty's eyes, she knew he knew that as well.

She looked over at the others. They all looked at her, smiling, even if they were preoccupied. They all knew, too. Somehow.

The mass roared and flailed around, pieces of it flying around the room. A whole arm was thrown a few feet away.

"No... no, no, no. Monty, there's going to be another way! We... we can... Bonnie could call for more help upstairs, and... and they... ugh, fuck!" Y/N began to cry.

Monty didn't look away from her. "You know better than all of us this is what we need to do, princess"

"No, Monty, no! I... I can't... I can't let you all die down here..."

She squeezed her eyes shut and buried her face in his chest, but he tilted his face back to his. "We need to keep you safe"

Y/N wanted to argue more, she wanted to shout every cruel thing in his face for trying to send her away, but she couldn't do it.

Swish swish swish

Y/N jumped, peering out Monty's shoulder. His tail slid happily along the ground, and a smile pricked at his lips. "I love you, princess"

He leaned forward, pressing his lips onto hers. Y/N ran the fingers of her working arm through his Mohawk, and they sat there for what felt like hours.

A hand grabbed her shoulder, and Y/N looked up. It was a security guard. Bonnie must have called them while she was talking to Monty. "C'mon, lass. We need ta go" Finn sighed.

Y/N nodded, reluctant to leave Monty and the others, but she didn't get much of a choice.

Y/N's brain didn't really function on the walk back. At some point they had started running when they smelt smoke, but Y/N didn't know at what point that was. Finn ran her outside where everyone waited.

Isabelle, Abby and Kaiden charged out of the black Ute they had driven off in earlier and practically tackled her. Just as they did, she caught a glimpse of Vanny being shoved into a police car, her mask nowhere to be seen. The blonde ponytail bounced as her head looked her way.

The woman looked confused and scared, almost like she didn't know what she'd done.

"Where are the others...?" Kaiden sniffed.

He had been crying. Y/N looked down at him, running a hand through his fluffy hand. She didn't have the heart to answer him, but when she looked back at the building, Kaiden knew. They all knew.

Isabelle and Abby squeezed her tightly, pulling her away from the building as they heard cracks and crashes from inside. The roof was collapsing.

They all drove away, following police cars to the police building while Y/N and Kaiden were driven to the hospital in an ambulance. Y/N didn't want to look back. She had hot tears flowing freely down her face, soaking the collar of her shirt, but she didn't care.

Her working arm wrapped securely around Kaiden, and he wrapped his around her. His face was buried deep into her shirt, and he was crying too.

She shouldn't have left them all there. She should've stayed, and she should've burned. She should've burned with everyone.

The ambulance turned into the Hospital and the doctors helped Y/N out of the car, careful to mind the gaping whole in her shoulder. Both Isabelle and Abby, who had followed the ambulance in the Ute, kept her steady since her injured leg still refused to cooperate.

When she walked in, the nurses and everyone in the waiting room all froze in horror. Probably because she should've bled out hours ago. Blood still poured from the wounds. Y/N doubted she would ever be able to wash it out of her clothes.

With every step she took, blood pooled below her feet. The nurses and doctors ran in, panicking around her, but she didn't care. She didn't hear them.

Through the doctors, Mr. Eddenborough's tiny frame barged through. He looked up at Y/N with worry, but seeing she was still alive and (somewhat) functioning, he sighed and smiled.

He started talking, but at first Y/N didn't listen. Then he said something that caught her attention. Her head shot up, and for the first time since leaving the others she felt like she would be ok.


Robotic souls and mechanical hearts  (Montgomery x fem reader) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now