Chapter 3- Inspection

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Jacob's POV
" You can start the inspections now and send me the reports." Principal Gray says, walking away, probably to her office.

"Hello kids, I'm Vicky Grint but just call me Vicky. That's Ricky, Nicky and Dicky who unfortunately are my brothers' Vicky says and we all laugh.

"When you hear your name being called, walk forward to demonstrate your superpowers" Ricky says, not looking up from his clipboard.

"Aaron Williams" Nicky calls and the brunette boy from the bus steps forward.

"Mr Williams, kindly demonstrate your power" Dicky says and then Aaron turns invisible.

"Invisibility, nice" Vicky says, writing stuff down and motions for Aaron to go back.

"Next, Cole Sawyer" Nicky calls and a blonde boy walks out.

"Mr Sawyer, Kindly demonstrate your power" Dicky says and then Cole takes a deep breath and in a blink of an eye, he's on fire. Literally.

"Cool" Vicky chuckles and writes something down then motions for Cole to go back.

"Next, Damon Clearwater" Nicky calls and another brunette walks out.

"Mr Clearwater, Kindly-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" Damon interrupts and then goes to take a metal bat from the weapons on the wall and then bends it.

"Super strength" Vicky sighs. "At least he didn't break anything important"

"Next, Hazel Galena" Nicky calls.

"Miss Galena, Kindly demonstrate your power" Dicky says.

"Ok, sir" Hazel replies and then she multiplies/clones herself. We can all see 5 Hazel's standing in front of us.

"Cloning Powers"

"Next, Jacob Newman" Nicky calls and all eyes are on me, I nervously walk out.

"Mr Newman, Kindly demonstrate your power" Dicky says staring creepily at me.

"Excuse me ,sir. It's actually power's" I smirk and superspeed around the room and stop. And before Vicky could utter a word, I hit their table with a lightning bolt which made it catch on fire. I didn't mean to do that. "Oops, sorry. I'm still working on my aim" They quickly extinguished the fire"

"Well that's a first. Super speed and Lightning powers" Vicky says, cooly while everyone just stared with a surprised face and I walk back to where I was standing before.

"Okay, Next, Leslie Bennett" Nicky calls and Leslie walks out with a smile.

"Miss Bennett, Kindly demonstrate your power" Dicky says, with a bored voice. Leslie makes her force field appear.

"Force field" Vicky notes.

"Next, Maddie Freeman" Nicky calls and Maddie walks out with a smirk on her face.

"Miss Freeman, Kindly demonstrate your power" Dicky says with the same bored tone and then he starts floating in the air. And guess what, it's all Maddie's doing.

"Put me down" Dicky orders and then Maddie puts him on his seat gently.

"Telekinesis" Vicky notes.

"Next, Noah Robinson" Nicky calls and Noah walks out with an expressionless face.

"Mr Robinson, Kindly demonstrate your power" Dicky says still shaken up by the floating. Noah walks out and teleports around the room.

"Teleportation" Vicky notes.

"Next, Piper Harvey" Nicky calls and Piper walks out, chewing gum.

"Miss Harvey, Kindly demonstrate your power" Dicky says, and then Piper floats above the ground and starts flying around.

"Flying powers" Vicky notes.

"Next, Summer Barker" Nicky calls and I swear my heart did a flip. Summer walks out with her charming smile plastered on her face.

"Miss Barker, Kindly demonstrate your power" Dicky says and then Summer takes a deep breath and then shape shifts into a poodle, then into a gorilla, then she turns into Dicky and then goes back to normal.

"Shape shifting" Vicky notes with a laugh.

"Next, Theodore Hunter" Nicky calls and he walks out.

"Mr Hunter, Kindly demonstrate your power" Dicky says. Theodore goes to take another metal bat and hits himself with it, hard but he looks un-harmed.

"Indestructibility" Vicky notes.

"Next, Winter Jones" Nicky calls and A white haired girl walks out.

"Miss Jones, Kindly demonstrate your power" Dicky says and Winter stretches out her hand and freezes the weapons on the wall.

"Freezing powers" Vicky notes.

"I think that's all. Now it's time for the grouping" Ricky says with a deep voice.

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