Chapter 2

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Jacob's POV
"Jacob Newman!!"

"Huh?" I muttered before looking at the person who mentioned my name.

"Jacob Newman. I'm Maddie Freeman. The daughter of Starlight and Frost." Maddie babbles.

"Um..hi? Nice to meet you" I say awkwardly, feeling everyone's eyes on me and hushed whispers from the seats behind me.

"Nice to meet you too" Maddie giggles with a look of accomplishment on her face and then goes go to take a seat. Wierd.

"Wow, great. You've got fans. Not only fans, crazy fan-girls too, Jake." Summer whispers to me, staring intently at Maddie.

"Aww, our little sunshine's jealous," Leslie teases and Noah laughs.

"I'm definitely not jealous of a crazy fan girl" Summer scoffs.

"Whatever floats your boat, Sum" Leslie replies.

"Whatever" Summer says then smiles.

"Buckle up, kids. It's going to get really bumpy" The driver calls out.

"Oh..Kay" I reply as my friends and I buckle up our seat belts.

Then the driver took a sharp turn, emanating groans from everyone. The Driver drove into a dark tunnel, then we saw little light up ahead. Then with force, the driver hits the acceleration pedal and we're going on full speed. Before we could react, the bus started reforming into something like a submarine. Yeah, it's definitely a submarine because we just went underwater.

"Hold on, Kids" The driver announced. Then we're going at super speed then we see a blinding light. Is this heaven?

"Are we dying?" A brunnett boy asks.

"I think we are" Maddie replies. The driver accelerates into the light and we're all blinded by it. Then the submarine/bus stops.

"I'm alive!" The brunnett boy exclaimed.

"I swear I saw my whole life flash before my eyes" Summer whispers looking dazed. "I regret nothing"
I chuckle slightly and help her balance on her feet.

"Get out of the bus, kids" The driver says. That's when I noticed that the submarine was back to its bus form and the driver already got out of the bus. We all walked out of the bus to see a huge building.

"Welcome to Golden Light Academy, kids" The Driver says, grinning. "Have a great day" he puts on his cap and walks away.

We all stare in awe at our new school.
I gulp as we all walk in.

"Welcome children" A female voice calls from behind us and we all turn around. "I'm your principal, You can call me Principal Gray. Follow me to the inspection room where your powers will be documented and where you'll be grouped into different sections. The groups will be given tasks which will earn points. By the end of the year, the group with the highest points get to be the lead group and get a price" She says as we all follow her into a big room which had 4 strict looking people staring at us.

"They're here."A blonde haired woman announced making the other three people, who were men, look up.

"You can start the inspections now and then send me the reports." Principal Gray says, walking away, probably to her office.

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