Chapter VI

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The rain was pitter pattering on the tin cans I was standing by. The wind was chilly and I was the moron in six inch heels and slutty exotic dance clothing.

I was waiting for my chance to sneek through the back and pose as one of the dancers but so far, no luck. I was just getting myself an illness from being out in the weather like this.

One part of my plan had worked out though and that was discovering Eliz did go to the Gentleman's club. She hasn't come out yet so I need to get in there. I need to know for sure. I've turned into a walking psycho within this past month and I'll be damned if I let my mystery go unsolved.

Just then a steel door in the alley opened up. The scent of alcohol and sweat invaded my surrounding areas. There was a girl running out looking physically ill. It was one of the dancers I knew.

I ran to her as she fell face first into her own vomit. This was totally about to screw up my investigation but the girl needed help. And I was too kind of a person to leave her unattended.

I pulled out a handkerchief from my bag and some sanitation and began cleaning her up. When I was done I took my sweater and wrapped it around her. She needed shelter. Without any other option I brought her into the door she came out of. Luckily there was a cot in one of the rooms. I rested her onto the makeshift bed and threw a blue blanket I found on the cabinet by the door over her body.

As I went to exit she grabbed my wrist. "Thank you." she muttered under a dried throat tone. I whispered back a welcome.

Her eyes slid closed and her breathing soon became even at least she's safe now. I placed my hands on my hips and looked around lost. Now what?

I took the exit and slowly made my way down the maze of hallways. "Number five!" a guy yelled after me I assumed. Considering nobody else was in the hallways. I froze in my tracks. Oh shit! Would he notice I was a phony? But I have a mask...

"Yes, sir?" I dropped my voice to a lower sensual sound.

He grabbed me from behind. "Where have you been? I got customers begging for you. Now get your perky ass out there with number six and give them a helluva show!" As I trotted to find where number six was the guy smacked my ass in a way to say get moving. Halfway there I realized I didn't know where I was going. I stopped and looked around then was caught off guard by another dancer. She hugged me from behind.

"Aphrodite I missed you." The woman squealed in a tone like a kid would if they got ice cream unexpectedly. And Aphrodite? Isn't that the goddess of beauty or something? Who has a name like that?

I turned to face her. "I'm not..." My words trailed off when I caught a glimpse of dancer six. She walked slowly towards a door. Her hips swaying to the rhythm of the sensuous beat of jazz music.

My heart throbbed and desired pooled in my lower belly. For fucks sake. I wanted her so desperately that the bottom of my heart was aching with agony. It was so painful yet so exhilarating to see her. Every time I lay my eyes on that figure she gets more and more gorgeous. If that was even possible. She's already so exotically appealing.

"I've got to go..." I bee lined that door like a pretator on it's pray. I was losing control I had to gain that back before I walked in that room or all hell would go down.

I slipped in the room silently. Dancer number six was the only one in there. And she was practicing turns on the silver steel that cut vertically threw the center of a metallic table.

I swallowed hard at the desirous sight. She was so elegant and graceful. Every turn, every hip rocking rotation.... All of it was carried out perfectly. I sunk my teeth into my lower lip as she dropped low and rolled her hips like a wave back up the pole.

I fell back into the door, slamming it shut. Which made dancer six jump. Shit! I lost my balance!? I am such a fucking klutz. Her long straight apple crisp hair brushed over her lightly toasted skin as she angles her head in curiousity and question.

"Blondie? You're back?" She stepped down from the table and closed in on me. "How long you been standing there?"

It took me a few seconds to realize what she had just asked me. "Umm... Well I.... Long enough."

She giggled in that sensual tone of hers. "Long enough for what?" Was she flirting with me? In some weird backwards kind of way?

"To analyze and come to the conclusion that you're amazing at what you do of coarse." I stuttered out some nonsense that didn't even sound believable to my own ears.

She chuckled again. "Right. I'll pretend I believe you."

She was just inches away from me now. Her hot breath trickled down my throat. "So..." She whispered by my ear. "How bout that dance now? No charge necessary." She was playing with my spiral curl then gently traveled her hand down my arm.

My eyes were caught in a gaze with her grayish-blue hues. Her long mascara lashes blinking ever so elegantly, blissfully... Seducing me into submission.

I curled my fingers into her hair and gently tugged her luscious lips down on to my own. Flames sparked the ignition in my veins. Her mouth went horizontal, kissing me deeply. The taste of the tropics invading my mouth. Her sent was like heroin, truly addicting. Hypnotizing me. The slickness of her wet tonguge slid into my mouth smoothly.

I slid my hands down her back. She was so soft. I wanted to feel all of her. Expirience... Her mouth ran over my jaw, below my ear, and down the length of my neck. I shivered. I must not moan... I must not... She kissed the pecks of my breasts and the sensation of need vibrated throughout my body. What sarted as a sharp intake of breath turned into that moan I tried to hold back.

I gently yanked her head back so I could kiss that full mouth of hers again. It was getting really hot in here and the more we kissed and touched the more my need was taking control of me. Number six's hand wandered over the curve of my breasts. Taunting me. Her fingers brushed over my nipple through the fabric of my top. I moaned threw our kiss.

Just then somebody came through the door. "Number five and si..." We pulled back from each other. "Holy mother of god! What are you two doing that in here for?! Your supposed to be putting on a show for the audience!"

"We're sorry, we were just rehearsing."

"Obviously and you've got it down packed. Now get your asses out there and make that crowd go crazy wild." We both nodded.

As he went to exit he paused in the doorway and turned his head back to us. "And remember I pay you to entertain the audience not to entertain yourselves."

He said it in such a snobbish way I was half tempted to smash his fucking head into the concrete wall. But I restrained myself and simply followed his orders. One day, I chanted to myself, he's going to get a rude awakening and that one day he's going to pray to god he never fucked with me.

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