Ch. 9

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3rd pov

Unbelievably so, luffy actually held himself throughout dinner and ate while making small chats with Quakity, who actually clicked with his insanity.

"have fun children, we're just gonna have some drink and join your insanity" Kristen mentioned before leaving with the other 'grown ups'

Which consisted of her, Philza, Lucifer, Dice, Puffy, Bad and Skeppy.

As soon as they left the room and the doors closed, the people who Wilbur brought looked at (y/n) as she just snapped her fingers.

It seemed to snap them as well as they breath out loud a sigh of relief.

"that was so awkward and uncomfortable! (y/n)! You live like this?!" Minx yelled as she loosed her tie and leaned back

"considering (y/n)-San is the beloved only child of sir Lucifer, yes..." Niki answered as she ruffled her own hair to fit her own.

"let's go to the ballroom! We have something prepared there" Tubbo said

"and you're coming with" Dream grinned at (y/n) before picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

"hey! Put me down!" (y/n) yelled

"na ah mamacita, we're gonna have fun! You guys wanna come?" Quakity asked luffy

"hell yeah!"

"for the love of-"


(y/n) finally agreed to 'party' with them as a celebration of her temporary visit, although....

Getting dragged across the hall to the 'fun room' by Wilbur wasn't her best bet.

Entering the so called room. (y/n) refused to call it 'fun room' for in her dark mind, it sounded so wrong.

The room was bigger than the dining hall, it had a second floor balcony that over looked a pit of ballpit balls.

It has a 'adult playground' in the back.

(the playground was just to fit dream and bigger than those children use)

Accompanied by trampolines on the side with foam to soften the landing just incase of someone (preferably Wilbur and dream) falling off while jumping on the trampoline.

(y/n) sighed, she remembered this place as a torture room for her.

A big stage in the middle of it that oddly enough, looked like a fighting ring thanks to the stripes that outlined the surrounding area.



"I'm staying here..." (y/n) grumbled and went to the side that has a table with one chair and bookshelves surrounding it.

That was he r personal space for whenever her cousins were to stay.

"nope! You're staying with us!" Wilbur pulled her and flicked the switch beside the door and converted the ball pit and stage into a clear floor with tables and chairs and of course, food.

"are you kidding me?!" (y/n) yelled before getting thrown into the foam pit.

"yeah! (y/n)'s in!!" Minx yelled and jumped on the trampoline and diving next to (y/n).

"stop it..." she grumbled.

"come on guys!!"

Later on...

"I don't wanna be here... I wanna drink wine and read books by the garden..." (y/n) complained while drinking some strawberry milk.

"you do that?" law chuckled as he was reading a book by the bookshelves.

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