Ch. 4

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3rd pov

"that's not fair... I have no cool powers like you guys..." eret grumbled.

"I can give you some of mine" (y/n) said as she sipped on her tea.

"wait- you can give powers?" eret asked

"yep! She gave me some of hers, too! When I got adopted" Ranboo said, grinning.

"mhm, she can give and take power." techno hummed.

"do you want some?" (y/n) asked again.

"really? I don't know" eret hums.

"only two answers... Do you want some? Yes. Or no?" (y/n) asked him again.

"yes please!" eret yelled

"here..." (y/n) took one of her gloves off, and held her hand out.

An electric shock formed into a dark purple ball that sizzles and cracks.

"take it. Careful, it's like eating one of those candies that pops in your mouth" (y/n) said as eret took the ball in his hands.

"it tickles my skin" eret giggled.

"just eat it" (y/n) growled as eret did.

"it tastes sweet" eret laughs as (y/n) handed him a light bulb.

"huh? What's this for...?" eret asked

"take it, test your power of it worked" she simply said, eret nodded and took the bulb.

He held it by the metal part and it lit up brightly.

"I gave you electric manipulation, it'll help your strenght with alchemy" (y/n) smiled at him

"thank you..." eret said, shyly.

"it's nothing, although... Terms and conditions part," eret perked up when she said that, "if I deemed you unworthy of the power I gave you, I'll take it. No backsies"

"yes ma'am!"

"good. Welcome to the team then" (y/n) punched his shoulder lightly.


Next day...

"good morning everyone! I made pancakes!" Wilbur said happily.

"you seem to be... Overly cheerful today" shachi said

"oh! It's nothing... Really! It's nothing..." Wilbur hummed

"it's something..." techno said.

"yeah! It is! (y/n) finally agreed to teach me magic!" Wilbur said

"magic? Isn't that a child's dream?" penguin laughed.

"no it's not." (y/n) said as she made a door levitate with a purple most covering it and positioning it to somewhere so she can sit.

"woah! That was awesome!"

"didn't even knew you had powers." law hummed.

(y/n) just looked at him, "uh-huh..."

"magic isn't a form of 'powers'... Its a gift! A magic strong enough can actually destroy an island!"

"actually... Magic is another form of haki" (y/n) corrected Wilbur

"form? But doesn't haki only have like- 4 types or something?" ikkaku asked.

"no... Haki has many variations based on the person, you yourself have haki inside you, I can see it literally oozing out of your eyes" (y/n) said

Ikkaku shivered

"what do you mean oozing out of her eyes? I can't see it" law asked.

"you can't, my eyes can see movement and that movement is haki oozing out of her eyes, her haki is most likely an observation one or, just like mine, detecting"

"what? I've never been a haki user..." ikkaku said

"then work on that, you'll see you're a haki user, everyone is. They're just either too lazy, too ignorant, or just plain stupid to not realize."

"(y/n) is talking like uncle Lucifer again..." Tommy and foolish laughed.

"who's that?" Jean Bart asked.

"her father. Uncle Lucifer, uncle Lucifer talks like that... In a condescending tone... Cold and deep, pretty scary when he gets serious... Actually, he's always scary" dream huffed.

"when wasn't he?" techno asked, "he even reffered to us as 'witches love children' while he refers to (y/n) as his 'sweet apple in a cold sunny day~'..."

"pfftt... That's not the only one, uncle dice calls her 'my sweet sugar plum~'..." Wilbur mocked.

"and who's that?" someone asked.

"her dad"


"yep. Gay couple, uncle Lucifer can actually produce life by his fingertips. So cannonically, that uncle can be both a God, and a human" Sapnap said.

"I think he isn't even a human. Like mom, he's part human so he has access to the mortal realm..." Tubbo mentioned.

"he's still human dumbass" Sapnap said.

"oh well... I don't care, look at the teddy bear (y/n)-kun gave me yesterday!" Tubbo said and held up a nicely sewed bee.

It was sthe size of his torso, and he just hugs it tightly.

"I think that's handmade, I mean... The stitches look identical to uncle dice's... And we all know who can take after uncle dice when it comes to small details" techno hummed.

"agreed" Wilbur simply said.

"for someone like (y/n), this toy is very well made... I mean.. Her performance itself is perfect..." ikkaku said

"his name is Choo!" Tubbo happily giggled.

"well, as a child, (y/n) acted nothing like that... She acts the same as she does today" foolish hummed.

"and yes, for someone like her, quality goes above quantity" eret nods.

"you guys know so much about her..." they sweat dropped.

"that's only natural! We're talking about Lady (y/n) here!"

"stop yelling Wilbur, it's morning" (y/n) said coldly


"ahh yes, the authority also comes from the parents... Uncle Lucifer always does that, glares and speaks" techno shivers inwardly.

(y/n) just rolled her eyes.

"she's still the same~... Awahhh" eret sighs....


"(y/n) is so beautiful..." law thought out loud

"just beautiful? She's the most beautiful woman in the planet!" Wilbur yelled.

"she's too good for you dumbass!" Sapnap yelled.

"Sapnap, Wilbur, it's alright... I don't mind" (y/n) smiled at the two with half-lidded eyes

"but- lady (y/n)!!"

"enough... That's enough, it's a small thing, no need to get worked up over it. It does nothing to me" (y/n) shrugged.

"she is right... Urgh... Don't you dare mention (y/n)-San again" Wilbur growled.



Later on...

"bye-bye..." Tubbo waved

"bye Tubbo, we'll see each other soon, don't worry" (y/n) pinched his cheeks

"I know..." he giggled.

"bye now," eret pouted.

"take care of yourselves. Alright? Dream, as the oldest, make sure they won't die, alright?"


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