Am i a hero too now?

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The splattering sound of liquid hitting a gray and greenish bolder was filling the air, it was silent as there was no wind and no seeming animals around. The tree's were looking down from afar at the two people who stood there in silence watching the liquid leave it's stains on the ground.

Jericho sat through her knees with a small smile on her face, a droplet of the liquid hit her face and felt cool under the warm sun. She whipped the droplet with her thumb and licked it off, it was bitter but had something sweet behind it.

The man standing next to her emptying the brown bottle of ale let out a hum.

"Rest in peace, Zhivago"

Jericho hadn't met the man long ago, only a couple of hours being precise. But she didn't need more then that to know that this man, Zhivago, was a good man, and even more a good father for her company.

It ached her that the two couldn't spend more time together then a small few hours but that was overwritten by a feeling she couldn't put her finger on. Because at least the two had the chance to clear things up between them before it was for ever to late.

This new experience made Jericho yet again see Ban in a different light and it's almost as if how longer she travels with him she get's to know him better and her feeling grow stronger for the silver haired man.

The feeling wasn't mutual, she knows that but she can't help feel the way she does. He is just such a amazing and admiral person.

When first meeting him he was a jerk, a selfish asshole, someone she wanted nothing more then see death welcoming his eyes. But ever since he saved her and now she travels with him, she can see so much more in him.

Ban has kept her out of trouble for all this time and even told her that she is the first human he ever tolerates. And on top of that he made her the women she was meant to be. So technically it's his own fault for making her feel this way.

"What a good guy" She speaks watching the sun glistering on the ale.

"Yeah if it weren't for him I would have been dead a long time ago" Ban replies with a smile before putting the bottle against his lips and drink the last bit empty.

The girl mentally sighed and looked up to the man frowning a bit.

"I'm talking about you"


"Jeez you're so stupid sometimes"

It flabbergast her how he could be so sharp and the next time be dumber then a monkey, but that was also part of his charm.

She sighs and closes her eyes for a second until a strange somewhat rumbling noise ringer through her ears down next to her, a slight tremble followed and her foot close to it shook.

Jericho looked down seeing that a little bit of ground next to her started to split and had formed cracks that continued to grow bigger by the moment.

She raised a eyebrow in confused and looked closer to the ground who had formed a mole hole now and before she could back away something busted out of it sending pieces of grass and dirt fly into the air.

Jericho whipped the dirt from her face screamed falling backwards as the thing that crawled out of the earth started to gain the form of a human man and rushed forwards, it's bloody and dirty flesh started to get stitched together and one of it's eyes that was rolled out rolled in by itself into it's eye socked while blood was dripping down his face.

Her face was ghost wide as she watched his stomach grow together in the most nasty way ever. Like glue the blood started to stick together and the sound of cracking bones being set in place sounded sickening.

Am i a hero too now? (Sds fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now