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Marcy's POV

Me, Sasha, and Anne ran around for hours. We tasted and ranked each snack and drink here at the party, and even had a dance battle with a reporter who snuck in here through the vents. Eventually, we were all tuckered out. Multiple other people were already leaving the party aswell.

"Alright, I think I'm going to head off, can I have your guy's numbers before I go?" Sasha gets out her phone. Me and Anne both nod, and get out our phones aswell. We exchange numbers with Sasha and wave goodbye to her.

"Well, what do you wanna do now, Marbles?" Anne turns towards me.

"I'm tuckered out, wanna just go to your place and watch a movie or something?" I suggest. "Yeah, that sounds nice!"

Anne takes out her phone and starts to call someone. I just stand there and watch her.

She's so pretty.

She then puts her phone back in her pocket and grabs my hand, "Alright, I called my driver. They should be here in a few minutes!"

I look down at our hands, then look back up. "O-oh, yeah! Thanks!"

"No problem, anyways lets find that exit," She smiles warmly. I blush.

We search for about three minutes, then eventually find the door that we entered from. Multiple people walked out, cameras flashing each time the door opened. Anne looked at her watch then back at me, saying "they should be here about now," and dragging me along with her towards the door.

As we walk out of the party, I notice the crowd of reporters and other fans are less. But since it was darker outside, the camera flashes seemed brighter.

Anne pushes through reporters, looking for her driver. "Oh! I see them," She lets go of my hand and raises hers up, waving at the driver.

We both squeeze through the remaining paparazzi and Anne opens the door, "Ladies first," "You're one too, you know," "Hm, then Marcys first!"

I roll my eyes and step inside the limousine. I sit down on the long somewhat couch, looking at the LED lights take over the darkness. Anne sits besides me, closing the door. The car begins to drive, pushing me a bit on Anne, but I immediately pull myself back up.

"So, what movie are we going to watch?" Anne asks. "I dunno, how about 'Milfs vs Aliens 2'?" "Sure!"

We then talk about the party until we arrived at Anne's mansion.

As the car stops, a notification dings from both of our phones.

Anne takes out her phone and immediately shows me, "Sasha made a groupchat for us three,"

I take out my phone aswell to see, Anne leans over a bit to see aswell.

'Sasha⚔️ added you to a groupchat with Anne💕'

"Aww, you have hearts in my name!" "No I dont!" My face heats up, then I open the notification. It takes me the groupchat, there Sasha is typing.

Sasha : Hey! You two wanna meetup tomorrow at the mall or something? I have nothing else better to do lol.

I read, then look at Anne who is typing already. I then look back at my own phone.

Anne : Sure! Marcy, is that alr?

I think for a second then respond.

Marcy : Yeah !!

Sasha : Okay, is 11 a.m. good?

Anne and I look at eachother and nod.

Anne : Yep!

Sasha : Cant wait!

Marcy : >_< !!

"So, I guess we're hanging out all together again tomorrow?" Anne laughs. "Yeah! I mean, she seemed cool at the party. And we don't have anything else to do tomorrow.." "True! Anyways, let's head inside. We're stalling my driver," Anne whispers a bit at the last sentence. "Oops! Sorry!"

Anne opens the door as I get out, her following after me shortly after. We both begin to walk up to the door.

She pulls out a card and scans it on the side of the door, then there is a soft click.

"Come in,"

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