Common Sense Media is a fucking goldmine

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i was on y'know, to make fun of overprotective white american mothers who think video games cause violence, and i decide to look up Kid Icarus: Uprising for the funsies

you had the usual saying that "OnE cHaRaCtEr ShOwS tOo MuCh ClEaVaGe" and that "tHeRe Is ToO mUcH vIoLeNcE"

but i found an absolute gem and i genuinely couldn't breathe after reading this because i thought it was too funny

this was written by a kid btw but still

they were praising the game for being great (as they should) and in the list of what the game features, they listed- y'know what, just see if you can find it before i tell you

they were praising the game for being great (as they should) and in the list of what the game features, they listed- y'know what, just see if you can find it before i tell you

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it's official lads, Kid Icarus: Uprising has too much sex

put that on a fucking t-shirt

Nintendo, you could make some great merch here

also a small rant here which you can skip if you want;
they claim that there isn't really any good role models in KIU but Pit is disabled. and ok, maybe im self-projecting onto him just a tad bit, but he has been the only character i have ever related to disability-wise, and i would say he's a great role model for everyone, both disabled and not, especially in 2012 when there wasn't much good representation of disabled people, mostly of children and teenagers. i might go more in depth if anyone cared enough to read about that but just know that Common Sense Media is wrong and Pit is a perfect role model and accurate representation of a disabled teen. thank you for coming to my TedTalk

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