Co~ Parenting

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Ryan's POV
Tuesday Night 8pm
My daughter and I stood waiting for her mom answer the door. After a few more minutes of waiting Andy came to the door.

Andy: Omg I missed you so much

She gave Adrianna a Long hug and kiss on the forehead. Andy always made it seem like she hadn't seen her in forever but in reality it's only from Friday to Sunday.

Andy: Dinners are on the table. Let me talk to your dad and than I'll be in.
Adrianna: Okay mom, bye dad see you soon.

Adrianna gave me a hug before walking into the apartment. Andy walked out into the hallway closing the door behind her.

Andy: So, she has all the big ideas for her 11th birthday. I was hoping we could sit down and chat this week. Being that her birthday is in two weeks.
Ryan: Yea of course just lemme know a date and time.

Andy's POV
Ryan stepped closer to me. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me in.

Ryan: Can I come back after she's asleep?
Andy: Ryan we can't.

Ryan and I had our daughter at the young ages of 17 and 18,  we as a couple didn't work out, but we decided we would be the best coparents possible.

We were off and on up until 3 months ago when he got serious with his girlfriend Emily.

Andy: You're in a relationship with Emily now.
Ryan: We're not on good terms right now.

He pulled me in closer. My breathing had picked up it's pace. Our lips only inches apart.

Adrianna: Mom wher... Oh am I interrupting something?

I pulled away from Ryan and turned towards our daughter.

Andy: No, what do you need baby?
Adrianna: I can't find the special sauce for the quesadillas.
Andy: check in the refrigerator.

Adrianna walked back in the apartment once again leaving Ryan and I alone.

Ryan: I should probably get going. Just send me a time and place, so we can get her birthday organized.
Andy: yea I got you

Ryan had started to walk towards the elevator. I called his name.

Andy: Talk to Emily. She seems like a great person. Also Thanks for always being a great father to our daughter.

I walked back inside my apartment. Adrianna had both of our plates sitting on the table with the special sauce in the middle of the table. I took a seat next to her.

Andy: My sweet girl. I love you so much.
Adrianna: I love you to mom.

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