Chapter 15

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I’m not sure I’ve had a chance to take a breather this entire week. The Inn has been slammed with tourists visiting for the Fourth of July and two of our employees have been out sick. I don’t mind working extra shifts, but after this week is over I am ready to sleep for about two weeks straight. 

This morning the annual Fourth of July parade went right down Main Street. All of the guests were out enjoying the parade so all of the workers had the chance to enjoy the parade as well. The local marching band and cheer line performed, those are my two favorite parts. Angela’s favorite was when Harrison ended the parade with the large fire engine, blaring the sirens and making everybody cheer. As he drove by, he blew a kiss towards her and she swooned right then and there. I was so happy that she found love, it reminded me of that early love with Cody.

Speaking of Cody, just thinking about him made my stomach tie up in knots. He hasn’t been around the house since the night we all went out drinking. I wasn’t sure if that was on purpose or just because he had other things going on. I knew he was working during the day and he’d try to do things with Hayes a few times a week, but I was at the inn a lot and by the time I got home I just went right to sleep. 

I was wondering if he was going to show up to the cookout today, but so far he hasn’t shown up. This cookout was another brainchild of Angela’s. I think it was her way of getting the chance to celebrate and relax, but still have the inn fully functioning. We had two grills full of hot dogs and hamburgers and tables with all the fixings as well. There were games for the kids and of course, the pool was open. Everybody staying at the inn was welcome to join and so were all the family members of employees. We even hired two lifeguards to make sure that the kids were all safe. 

I found Angela with a snowcone sitting at one of the many rented picnic tables and took a seat next to her. “Soaking up the sun?”

“This might just be my favorite time of year,” she peeked out from under her sunglasses. “I know the winters here are mild, but I’m not a cold-weather person at all.”

“It isn’t bad at all.” I look around at the busy back parking lot, “This was a huge success, Angela. You should be so proud of yourself.”

“You would think I’d be more confident in my business choices, but I always second guess myself. Even last night I was talking Harrison’s ear off telling him I was so worried nobody would show up.”

“Oh come on! If nothing else you knew I would be here.”

“You don’t count, Blair, you’re like family.”

“I feel insulted and loved at the same time.”

“Shut up, you know what I mean. Speaking of family, where is Hayes?”

“He was going to a cookout that some of his friends were having.”

“Are you okay with that? You’re not worried he might get into trouble?”

“Not really,” I shrug and take a drink of my lemonade. “Hayes is a good kid and he has tunnel vision right now for being a firefighter. He’s not going to do anything to mess that up.”

“You’re pretty trusting of him, Blair. You don’t think he’s going to be drinking or anything?”

“That would be naive of me. We’ve had plenty of talks about drinking at parties and he knows how I feel. I’m not going to say I WANT him to drink, but if he has a few beers he knows to call me and I’ll come to get him. Maybe last summer I would have worried more, but now he’s just uber-focused on his future, he doesn’t want anything to get in his way.”

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