Chapter 6

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I keep tapping the end of the pen against my forehead, trying to avoid jabbing it into my eyeball as the level of frustration I’m experiencing increases. I hate working with millionaires sometimes. 

“AJ, I’m telling you that this is their best offer and you’d be ridiculous not to take it.”

“You’re supposed to be on my side, Cody, what happened to that?”

I swallow the groan and attempt to hide the annoyance in my voice, “I AM on your side, AJ. Part of being on your side also means telling you when you’re being unreasonable. I’m telling you right now that you’re being unreasonable and if you do not take this deal, you will not have a deal.”

“Fine!” He yells into the phone, his own anger taking over, “Call them and tell them that if they don’t add the no-trade clause and tag me as a franchise player I’m signing with another team.”

“That’s a horrible idea.”

“I’m starting to think a bad idea was asking you to negotiate this contract extension. You promised me that I would get everything I wanted, Cody, and now you’re telling me that I need to settle. What kind of manager does that make you?”

“I did tell you that I’d get you what you wanted and I did. The contract sitting in front of you is everything you wanted. You are the one that has now changed the terms once again. Adding a no-trade clause and a franchise tag are not going to happen at this point in your career and we both know that.”

“Then I’ll go someplace else.”

This time I don’t hide my sigh. Moments like this are the worst. These guys don’t realize how good they have it. I would have given anything to play pro ball at AJ’s age. Hell, I would have done it for minimum wage just to say that I finally achieved my dream. He is lucky his team is even willing to pay for the massive contract he wants. He’s going to be forty before this contract is over, that is past retirement age for most professional sports. 

‘Where are you going to go, AJ?” I challenge him, “We’ve already spent months talking to other teams. Everybody knows this, including your current team. It is this contract or signing some one-year contract with another team, more than likely playing second string.”

“Fuck you, Bishop!”

I open my mouth to respond, but the call has already disconnected. He is pissed off and having a bit of a temper tantrum, but I know by the end of the day he is going to sign the contract. AJ may not like what I have to say, but he knows I’m right. I decide the rest of my unread emails can stay that way, I need a break. I’ve been on the phone for what feels like two days straight and I need to get out of this place. There is nothing wrong with my childhood home, but the walls are starting to close in on me. Coming back was supposed to be a way to clear my head and get out of the city, shutting myself into the guest room at my parent’s place is having the opposite effect.

“Hey, sweetie,” Diana Bishop, my ageless mother surprised me when I stepped foot into the kitchen. My parents and sister left the house in the early morning hours to work at the vineyard and winery, I didn’t expect them home until closer to dinner.

“Is everything okay, Mom? You’re not usually back here until evening.”

“That’s sweet of you to worry, Cody, but I’m just fine. Your dad and I are going to have a little picnic lunch out in the vineyards so I was just making a few sandwiches.” She motions down to the deli-sliced meat that she’s unwrapped on the counter. “I could make you a sandwich too if you’re hungry.”

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