Chapter 13

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Athena POV:

The next morning I wake to Masill rapidly knocking at my door.

"Time to get up, up, up!" She calls. I roll over and bury my face in my pillow to stifle a scream. Slowly, I get up and dress into black tights and a navy blue t-shirt. My hair is a mess so I brush it out and put it in a simple braid down my back. I'm starving this morning so I hurry to the breakfast table and fill my plate. I waste no time stuffing my face with food. When I'm finished, Masill comes to collect me.

"Since today is your interview day, I'm going to teach you how to walk," She grins. I'm about to protest and tell her that I don't need help walking when she interrupts me. "Properly." I roll my eyes and get up from the table. I follow Masill back to my room where a pair of black high heels wait. Masill instructs me to put them on so I do. They're tight and uncomfortable on my feet. I try to stand but I feel as if all balance is gone.

"See, this is why I needed you to practise," Masill presses her fingers to her temples. I grunt in aggravation. After an hour of tortuous walking lessons, Enobaria calls us for a team meeting. Brutus and Wade are already there. Enobaria gestures for us to sit. I sit next to Enobaria.

"So, we need to think of a personality act for tonight's interviews," Enobaria states. "Do you have any ideas or something you'd like to portray?"

"I'm going for ruthless and fearless!" Wade smirks. I roll my eyes and Brutus chuckles.

"Ok... and you Athena?" Enobaria continuous.

"Mmm, I was thinking, cocky, because I'm already good at it," I chuckle with a smirk.

"That you are," Mumbles Masill.

"What was that?" I glare at Masill. I know I am, I just don't want her to say it.

"Nothing, nothing," She says, looking at Enobaria for protection.

"That's what I thought," I roll my eyes and let Enobaria's chuckle fill my head.

"Ok, so, Lito and Piffer will come and collect you two to get you ready for the interviews tonight," Enobaria states calmly. I roll my eyes because I do not want to spend another second with those idiot styles. Enobaria continuous, "Once you are all ready, they will send you to the interview stage where you will line up and wait to be called." Sounds easy enough. I sit in the living room until Lito comes to collect me. He wears a sharp pink tuxedo today and his hair falls extremely flat on his head. He gestures for me to follow him so I do. He leads me down the hall to his stylist room. I sit on the chair while Lito gets some of his supplies and fills the tub. Once he has all his stuff and the bath is full of water and light red bubbles, I strip and get in. The bubbles smell slightly of mint. I wash myself down with multiple soaps and scrubs before getting out and wrapping myself in a robe. Lito trims and scrubs my nails, then paints them a light blue with one small gem on each. Then he moves to my hair. I'm thankful he isn't talking as much today. He brushes and sprays my hair then starts to braid it. When he's finished I have three braids on each side of my head that connect in the middle, leaving the rest of my hair down. After my hair, he moves to my face. He applies creams and powders all over my face and eyes, and a glittery gel to my lips. Once he is satisfied he steps back to examine his work.

"Marvellous! I just have to fetch your dress then we'll be finished!" He grins as he scampers off to get my dress. I wait for around five minutes before Lito returns with my dress. When he does all I see is a dress bag. Ughh. I'm dying to see the dress. He unzips the bag and pulls out the most gorgeous dress I have ever seen. It is a light blue with little blue flowers at the top that flow down to the left and stop halfway down the dress which ends just above my ankles. The dress is strapless but has ruffles that fall over my upper arm. I must have a shocked look on my face because Lito looks extremely pleased.

"Like it?" He asks.

"Like it? I freaking love it," I scoff.

Lito grins even wider. "Take off the robe and let's get this on you." I do as I'm told and change into the dress. It fits perfectly. I admire myself in the mirror and Lito goes to grab the shoes. When he returns with the shoes–light blue flats that match the dress–he helps me put them on then adds a necklace with a bright blue sapphire gem on it.

"Perfect!" Lito grins as I twirl in front of the mirror.

"Now, I'm to escort you to the tribute stage. Follow me," Lito says and gestures for me to follow him. We walk down the hall to a different elevator and get in. Once the elevator stops we get out and walk over to the other tributes. Lillian, Felix, Wade, and some of the other tributes are here. Lillian squeaks when she sees me. She wears a long pink dress that is so puffy I'm sure she could fit my whole District in there. Her hair is pulled into a tight bun and she wears a pink headband.

"You look so pretty!" Her eyes widen with admiration.

"She's right," Felix smirks. He wears a pink tuxedo that matches Lillian. I roll my eyes. Wade's eyes scan me and suddenly I feel self conscious.

"Umm, Lillian, I urm, I like your shoes," That's a lie. I hate anything pink.

"Thanks!" She spins in a circle. Wade wears a grey tuxedo with a light blue tie that matches my dress. A PeaceKeeper yells for us to line up in District order, girls first. Lillian goes onto the stage first. I watch her interviews from a TV on the wall. She is all giggly and gushy. Ugh. Caesar seems to be eating it all up though. After Lillian is finished, She comes off and Felix walks onto the stage. Lillian gives me a toothy grin as she walks past me. I don't return it. Felix is acting fearless and flirty. Of course. I roll my eyes.

"So, Felix, wanna share any details about this year's career pack?" Caesar asks.

"Gladly," Felix smirks.

"Great, just great! Isn't that folks!" The crowd roars, excited to hear all about us.

"We have a great pack. I think this will be a fun year." more cheers from the crowd before Felix countiunes, "We have Lillian, me, Wade, Athena, Harrison, and Oakley." The crowd cheers, obviously some favoured tributes.

"Wow, that seems like quite the lethal group, I wouldn't wanna be in the games with you," Caesar laughs his huge toothy laugh.

"Neither would I," Felix laughs.

"Alright, now Felix, you're one of my favourites so far! I hope to see you again," Caesar says finishing up the interview. Felix gives Ceasers hand a shake then walks off the stage. Oh shit, I'm next. I think. As Felix exits the stage he gives me a wink and whispers

"Blow them away, will ya?" 

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