Chapter Thirteen: Pleading For Pedro

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This time I was actually willing to be in relationship with him. To give all of myself to him. I hadn't given myself to anyone since him.

And the thought of giving myself to Pedro terrified to me death. To the point I was considering going to find another job and just forgetting about the prick that shattered my life and mind in a couple of days. I wasn't really considering giving myself to him was I?

What if it was the same as your first-

No. I wasn't that powerless now.

But you are powerless. Once your married to him, a divorce would be nonexistent. Casalgo's didn't divorce.

I wouldn't be powerless and Pedro wouldn't do anything to harm. I could just-

Find another and stay married to Pedro?

Yes it would be that simple. I would still be me, Angel Lenia.

Not Angel Casalgo?

Oh shit. My mind was full of a lot of shit. I was sure I wouldn't make it up the steps without shitting myself.

"We're here"

I looked up at the driver, he rolled down his window and pressed the income bottom.

"Who is it?" Linda's soft voice poured.

"Its me Linda" I said leaning forward.

I saw the shock on Linda face on the small screen then she smiled. "I had wondered where you disappeared off to. Pedro's been stomping around the house lately"

"That's probably because we had a fight" I said, lifting my bag. "You going to open the gates?" I asked.


The gates opened and he drove through, pulling up at the door. "Thanks" I said to the cab driver.

"Who's paying me?" he demanded, Linda was already down the steps whipping out her purse she beamed at the driver and I hurried up the steps eager to see Pedro.

"He's in his room!" Linda called. I ran upstairs down the long hallway before I burst in our room panting.

Pedro looked up startled, he stopped rubbing his wet hair with the towel and stared at me. "Who let you in?" he snapped. I stared at the tiny droplets of water roll down his naked tanned caramel flesh, moving my eyes over each pack to the V that disappeared beneath his towel.

I was taken by surprise at how cold he sounded. "Your mother" I said.

He cursed in Italian. "I told them not to let you in"

"Just let me speak quickly Pedro and then I'll leave" I pleaded.

"Get out!" he barked, his facial expression cool (as in cold), his eyes glacial. "Now Angel!-"

"I'm sorry" I said in a rush.I stepped into the room swinging the door shut behind. "I'm sorry for being a bitch to you, I'm sorry for rejecting. I'm sorry for never letting you in. I'm sorry for not taking my responsibilities as your fiance seriously. I'm sorry for being a shit fiance. I'm sorry for not letting you pick my engagement ring. I'm sorry for behaving immaturely. I'm sorry for getting drunk. Oh gosh I'm sorry for everything Pedro" My voice trembled at the end and I stood there frozen, heart hammering in my chest.

I took a few steps forward until I was in front of him. When his facial expression didn't change and his scowl deepened, panic gripped me. I wasn't read y to lose him just yet, I was a Pisces for fucksake, I held onto literally everything, within a short amount of time and I quickly fell into a habit of having Pedro around me. Without him it felt odd. "I'm sorry-" I took a deep breath not believing I was going to say this. "I realized that I wasn't ready to lose you. I-I-" I groaned. "I can't say it Pedro"

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