Truth hurts

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John's POV

Overnight Sherlock had made a miraculous recovery. I watched him now as he sat stone still, hands steepled under his chin as he explored his mind palace. These are the only times that I can actually get peace with Sherlock, and then then I'm not truly with him. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Sherlock lazily opened one eye and looked at the door suspiciously. In came Mycroft and Greg, wearing composed, solemn masks that hid very well how they were actually feeling. 

"Sherlock. Feeling better I see?"

"As ever, Mycroft."

"I suppose you know what we're here for. This must be carried out under supreme secrecy, no one must ever know that this happened."

"Well, hadn't we best be going?" I interrupted, wanting to get the facility quickly, "I'm sure pleasantries can wait till we're in the car."

"John has a point. I wanna see what this bitch has to say for herself." It was obvious now that Greg hated Mary with a passion, and probably couldn't wait to see what this drug would do to her. 

"Let's go then. Greg, you're in the front with me. You two boys can sit in the back."

"Alright *Mycroft* no need to treat us like children."

"When in Rome, brother dear." 

<At the facility>

The weather outside the hotel way bleak, dreary and very grey. So when we pulled up to the government site, I almost missed it against the stormy skies. Shielding myself from the rain, I grabbed Sherlock's hand and practically dragged him to the shelter of the front porch, where we stood waiting for the Lestrade-Holmes' to catch up. 

"Honestly Bumblebee, they're so slow, can they not go any faster?"

"Come on Sherl, there old men give them a break."

He chuckled lightly, before turning to look up at the facility. "Some place, huh?"

"I dread to think whats on the other side of there. For all we know, it could be Baskerville all over again; lock me up in another bloody lab and I swear I'll get rid of Billy the skull."

"I did say I was sorry." He looked down at me, giving me puppy eyes.

I grinned. "You're just lucky I love you."

He bent down and kissed me briefly, but straightened up when he heard Greg and Mycroft. "Very lucky." He whispered.

"Shall we go in?"

The inside of the facility - Brookeside, as it was apparently known - was just as bleak as the outside. Half looking like a medieval castle, half like a laboratory, tapestries and suits of armour lined the walls, and yet the reception desk was modern and stylish. Part of me wished that the designer would have just made their mind up instead of mixing the old and the new. There was a woman in black seated at the reception desk, and we walked up to her quickly. 

"Janine, can you tell me where Miss Morstan is please?" Inquired Mycroft.

"Top floor, room 394."

"Excellent. Can you have her taken to the testing room please? The one with the TS221."

"Right away, sir."

Mycroft turned to address us, "This way, please. Morstan will be down anytime now." And with that the British government turned on his heel and led us deeper into the bowels of Brookeside.

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