Chapter 2

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Phoebe: That can't be possible, Grams never said anything of me having a younger sister!

Prim: What are you talking about?!

Phoebe: I am Phoebe Halliwell and I think I might be your sister.

Prim's POV: She is my sister! How! I thought I had no family left! Maybe she can take me to my mom, I mean our mom! I can't believe this is happening.

Phoebe's POV: I have another sister. What if she is like me! I never had a little sister I have always been the youngest. I wonder if she knows about mom.

Phoebe: Prim do you want to come home with me? I know you don't really know me yet but I want to get to know you, I want you to know our sisters.

There was a long pause before Prim answered Phoebes question.

Prim: Yes , Yes I want to go home...I want to know my sisters and my mom.

Phoebe's heart broke, she doesn't know about mom how am I supposed to tell her.

Phoebe: Prim there's something I need to tell you.

Prim looked confused, her older sister took her hands

Phoebe: Mom she died, I was only a toddler you must have been a new born.
I am so sorry sweetie.

Prim didn't know what to think or do her mom was dead and she never even met her. She wasn't crying she couldn't.  All she could do was hug her sister she just met. They stayed like that for a while and later Phoebe took her to the hotel she was staying at. In the morning they would be going home, they never would have expected what their life would become.
A/N Sorry for the long wait but I have been very busy. I hope you are enjoying the story so far. I will try to update soon. Thank You for reading!

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