The Guild

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I could hear whispers from all around us people saying "look at his horns." "He's scary" I brushed off all the words and just kept walking towards the guild. The closer we were more people had swords on their hips with armor on. I saw people with tails like something you would find in a video game. Eventually we made it to a set of double doors. Adora let out a relieved sigh "We are here time to go in."

Two people in full plate armor opened the doors for us. Inside was an absolutely huge hall with people and creatures of all different types; a small man about three and half foot tall walked over to us when we walked in. He had on black and blue clothing that had the same symbol on his chest that the outside had.

"Hello my name is Quell please follow me." Quell turned around and started walking and we followed closely behind him. People's whispering continued as more people noticed me. He led us up a couple sets of stairs and down a hall. We came upon another set of double doors that had its own set of guards. Quell waved and they opened the door to let us in. It was a pretty big room in the center with a desk with a man writing in a book. Bookshelves lined the walls with weapons in display cases.

"Hello Adora my sweet niece how have you been."The man put down his book and had a wide grin.

"It's been a long time Adora what has brought you to Glast."

"Me and Gabriel need to register to become adventurers." We started to walk towards the desk. I heard Quell sneak out of the room behind us.

"So you've finally decided to join you and your friend can start the registration process right away."
He stood up and signaled one of the guards. The guard stepped out and closed the door. The man pulled out a luminescent blue crystal that was about a foot tall and made a thud when it hit the table.

"This is the first test. It will give you your magical and elemental aptitude. Adora you will be first, just place one hand on the side of the crystal and feel your mana flow into it."

Adora put her hand out and did as instructed. I started to glow white and little sparks were flying off of it, the man got another sheet of paper and started writing on it. He seemed pleased with himself grining while watching the crystal. Adora had her eyes closed with full focus on the crystal making little sounds here and there. The man set down the paper and started to clap.

"Bravo Adora bravo, your magical energy is almost identical to your fathers. Your elements are as follows thunder, terra, water and a specialization in light."

Adora looked confused. "Is that good?"

The man laughed "Yes that's good usually people only have one element you having four is very promising"

Adora looked up again and started to smile "Your turn Gabriel." The man got out another piece of paper.

"I can already tell you are powerful from your horns. I've never tested a demon before let alone seen any in Glast. Nevertheless it shouldn't matter, just place your hand on the crystal and do the same thing as she did." I walked up to the crystal. It was much brighter up close than I expected, a cold breeze was emanating off of it the closer I was.

"I just touch the crystal right?" Adora was standing close behind me staring into the crystal. She was given a ticket that had her elemental score on it and was fidgeting with it in her hand. I stuck out my hand and touched the crystal. It was cold, so cold to the point it felt like it was burning my hand. I then closed my eyes and followed suit. I could feel something leaving me, like it was sucking the life out of my hand. I heard the man gasp so I opened my eyes. The crystal was an abyssal black with dark purple flames dancing in a ring around it.

"Th-this is amazing y-you are or well have every single element with over one hundred precent compatibility. I personally can't see your specialization but it will come out the more you learn. You are what we consider an Archon mage you can use any element and magic type you like so you should start training now your potential is nearly unlimited." The man was nearly panting from talking so fast he was hunched over the table ferociously writing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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