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"2 days left until we are free!" Alex yelled at the top of his lungs.

" Yeah just to go to another school, how exciting," I said.

"Exactly, new people, new faces. Doesn't that sound invigorating!" Alex was still yelling despite us being right outside of the school. Where everyone can hear him.

"No it doesn't, All that means is I have to remember more people."

"You're just lazy now shut up and let's go," Alex turned away and now we were on our way to my car. "So you are still planning on going to Washington right? Or have you given up on your impossible dream?"

"No actually I got accepted for your information."

"What, you're joking right?" Alex of course yelling again.

"No, of course not, I got the letter in the mail yesterday."

"That's amazing we should be celebrating. I can cancel my plans tonight then I can call up the guys and.." I stopped him mid sentence.

"No, I can't go out tonight."

"What really? Hey have you been doing alright? You don't have to be alone all of the time. I'd be fun if you would come hang out with us."

"I prefer being alone but thanks for the offer"

I opened the car door. I hopped up onto the seat and turned the key.
"Come on man let's go I can drop you off at your house"

"Not there today" Alex says with a smirk, "I'm meeting someone tonight." I roll my eyes and let another sigh pass through my lips.
"Where do you need me to drop you off at then."

"We are headed to the arcade on the east side."

"Wow again this is your 4th time this month. I hope it's at least the same girl."  Likewise he got in the passenger seat, stole the AUX cord and plugged it into his phone. Alex had an odd taste in music he always had something new playing. Rarely ever playing the same songs, it was a mix of rock and old country music.

"So you didn't answer me."

"Is it the same girl?"

"Actually yes it is," Alex laughed. "You are just mad you can't get anyone to love you."

"I enjoy my solitude. Plus I don't have time. Nevertheless sounds like you and the mystery girl are getting serious or is this gonna be a one month thrill."

Alex shifts a little in the seat unclipping the seat belt. "No, I think she might be the one. You should come with us tonight, you haven't done anything fun in forever."

I chuckle a bit. "No no I couldn't intrude on your fun. Plus I feel like relaxing tonight."

Alex looks out of the side window. "I guess that's fine, just know the invitation is still there."

We pull off onto the highway there are a myriad of cars. "Pretty heavy traffic today." Alex said
"Should lighten up a bit though."

Another 5 or so minutes pass the traffic is down to where only 10 or so cars are around us. Suddenly a car in front of us swerved to the right hitting the guard rail. It rolls six times past the guard rail into the grass. In fear I slam on the brakes.

"We have to help them, are you ok?" I frantically ask. Alex gashed his head on the dashboard. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"Good." I fling open the door and run over to the wreckage. I could see five people. Three in the front two in the back.

"Hey can anyone hear me!" One of the people in the back was yelling.

"Yes I'm here, are you hurt?"
"No but they are, please get me out of here I smell gas!" I could see a small fire igniting under the car.
"Ok grab my hand." I grabbed his hand and started to pull but they wouldn't move. I kept pulling but they wouldn't budge. One of the people in the front of the car started to crawl out. Alex finally here helped the front person out then helped me pull the person out of the back. The fire was still growing.
"Get the people in back out. I'm going to try and get the driver." I yelled at Alex but he was already on it. The two who were already out were laying down about 30 ft from the wreckage. The driver was pinned between the steering wheel and seat. The fire was getting stronger and started to burn my skin. Little snowflakes of skin peeled off as the fire rose and rose. Alex was helping the last person out of the back and getting them far from the car. I was still tugging at the driver when the car suddenly erupted in flame. I could feel my skin searing off.

"Get out of there!" Alex was with the others. Yelling at me. The car finally exploded, the blast through me into the trunk of a nearby tree. The impact was so hard I could hear my ribs snap inside of me. My vision went black. I layed there for a while dazed and confused. Everything was cold, the burning from the fire no longer hurt. This was the end, a life cut short. Then all of a sudden I was sitting in a chair. I looked around but my vision was blurry but I could make out a figure sitting in front of me. I could also see I was in a solid white room. It had massive bookshelves, rows of books almost as if they went on forever. I rubbed my eyes. And took another look at the figure. It was a man, he had a white cloak with gold trim. He was writing in one of the books not looking at me, almost like he didn't notice me at all.

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